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"Come on melissa! Wake up your mom's about to leave. Don't you want to ride with her to the airport?" Asia shook me out of my sleepy state at the mention of my mom, I shot up off the bed. Although I wasn't pleased she was leaving, nevertheless I got up out my bed and got dressed so I could ride with her to the airport.

I promised myself that I wouldn't cry or have another breakdown like I did yesterday. I was going to lock all my emotions away until I was alone in the comfort of my room. The fact of the matter is, the person that saved me from my care home and helped me through so much was leaving me to go on tour and not only that but I was staying with a complete stranger that knows nothing about me or my conditions.

After washing up and throwing on a sweatshirt that I had took from Demi's closet, it still smelled like her and that was the only thing keeping me away from having an anxiety attack as we piled up in the car. Thankfully demi sat in the backseat with me and she held me the entire ride and whispered in my ear how much she loved me and was going to miss me.

It was becoming harder for me to grasp the fact that I wasn't going to see her for five months. Maybe more, she said all the dates weren't planned out yet and she was working on china, the Caribbean etc.

I wished she planned this in the summer so I could actually travel with her. School just started and I had a whole year ahead of me. LAX was flooded with paparazzi, even at six in the morning, did these people ever sleep? Demi clasped her hand with mine and shielded me from the blinding lights as we pushed through the crowd with the help of max.

"Yo melissa!" Asia walked towards me with a beaming smile, this couldn't be good. "There's a pool party later on today , you coming right?"

I raised an eyebrow she was keeping key information from me that would determine if I went or not, "Whose party is it?"

She chuckled nervously, "Richard."

Asia knew about everything that happened with Richard and how I almost died. Yet she was here suggesting I go to his party?? And also the way things ended and how my mom treated him I doubt he wanted me there.

I shook my head, "No way. I'd rather stay home."

"Come on!" She whined like a child, "Your soul mate could be at that party!"

"You're being ridiculous." I laughed at her, "I'm not looking for a boyfriend."

"It'll be a good distraction." Asia stated, "From your mom leaving, with a boyfriend you won't even notice."

Okay, my best friend has clearly lost her mind. "It's too early in the morning for this."

I found demi and Marissa in the Starbucks line, demi sensed my presence and smiled, "Where have you two been?"

"Nowhere." We answered simultaneously.

Demi raised an eyebrow, "You two are up to something." She looked at Marissa, "Watch them they always seem to get into trouble when I'm not around."

Asia flung her arm around my shoulder, "We're completely angels demi."

She still didn't believe any bullshit that came out of our mouths as we waited for her private plane to be ready. I was actually considering taking Asia up on her offer. I was hesitant because of what happened the last time. I might have beat death once but I doubt I'll do it again.

When demi left the tears that I said I would keep in had plans of their own as I watched her board the plane and the door shut. I couldn't stand there and watch her pull off so I just left to go to the car and wait for everyone there.

Asia was right I needed a distraction and right now a pool party is something i need. To just hang out and have fun. And hopefully time would pass by fast and demi will be back home soon.

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