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"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The lady that knocked me down held out her hand for me to grab.

I stared down at her beautiful hand I've never seen hands that look that good, she had a cross tattoo that was pretty cool.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get a good look at the ceiling." I say sarcastically.

She giggles helping me up "You're funny, I'm Demi."

I finally got a good look at the lady or should I say Demi. She had spiked leather jacket and curled, black, short hair. She wore a pair of black skinny jeans and high heels.

She looked like a movie star, I could tell she had money.

"Hello?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me out my train of thought.

I swatted her hand away "What?"

"You were staring and kinda spaced out." She says.

Well this is embarrassing, I just made a fool out of myself.

"Oh, well I should go." I waved bye to her before she could speak, I jogged to the opposite direction towards the stairs. My hand still aching but nothing I can't tolerate.

I've had far more worst injuries I reached the bottom steps where all the kids were lined up in age groups. I was in the pre-teens category since I was only twelve.

Twelve the worst age you're not a tenageer yet but right there I hate being twelve even though I act about sixteen. I'm very mature for my age.

That's what happens when you have to take care of yourself starting at the age of five. I didn't have a family so I had to learn how to do things on my own, teach myself how to read and write.

I was determined to learn those things and that eventually helped me escape them. The people that I used to call mom and dad. I wiped a lose tear that fell down my cheek.

Just thinking about my parents makes me upset, that's why I try my best not to bring it up. Everything reminds me of them and the pain they caused me.

I will never forget these, scars will always be with me and I'm reminded everyday. The adopters were lined up in front of us looking at every kid taking the ones that they want to interview.

While I just sat back and watched it all happen silently crying in the cornor after they all left. I'm kind of glad I didn't get picked saving me the heartache.

"It looks like you could use a friend." The person said sitting next to me, I looked up to see Demi. I scooted further away from her, I've never had any one comfort me when I cried.

I don't need it now. "I'm fine, I don't need anybody. I just need myself" I retorted.

"That's not true, everybody needs somebody to show them the way." She replied her hazel-brown eyes met my grey ones.

Yeah, I have grey eyes a trait that I got from my dad's side of the family. I get my complection from my mom, you see my mom is black and my dad was white.

Therefore I'm bi-racial, I never put a name on it I am who I am. I'm proud, not ashamed my parents may not have been good people but they gave me life and I will forever be thankful for that.

"Yeah well I don't need anyone to show me a way if I'm already descending down the path." She raised an eyebrow


Silence fell between us again but it wasn't awkward. I was enjoying her company. This is the longest conversation I've had in weeks.

I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and sighed "Why are you talking to me?" I wondered

She looked shocked at the question and a little... hurt? Why would she be hurt.

"Pardon me?" Demi turned her full body to face me.

"I mean why are you wasting your time to sit here and talk to me..." I shrugged "I'm nothing special you could go in there and pick one of those perfect kids and live a happy life but instead you're sitting here with me? I don't understand."

"Maybe I want to be here with you and don't want those 'perfect kids' you deserve a chance just as much as they do." She replied.

I shook my head "No I don't, you don't know me so how would you know if I deserved a fair shot or not"

"It doesn't matter what you did or didn't, you do deserve to be happy just like I do and everyone else"

She had a point but I wasn't going to tell her that I hummed in response taking in her words.

"I wonder, why you haven't been adopted yet. You're such a nice girl and seem to have a kind heart." Demi suddenly broke the silence.

I wanted to burst out laughing, me and nice in the same sentence? She obviously doesn't know me or what I've done and can do. I've got a crimal record if she seen that she wouldn't even be sitting next to me right now.

"You don't know me" I spat standing up "Don't you dare make assumptions, when you know nothing about me"

I walked away leaving her shocked I needed to blow off some steam how dare she call me nice. I everything but that I walked outside kicking the gravel off the pavement as I made my way down the driveway.

Towards the street, I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't dare look back. "Go away" I yelled to who ever was following me.

"I don't think so." It was Demi just great. Why won't she leave me alone? Wasn't my outburst enough? She should be running for the hills wanting nothing to do with a fucked up freak like me.

"I want to be alone." I told her as she matched her pace with me so we were waking together.

"Nobody really wants to be alone." She said

I rolled my eyes "Well I'm not everybody, I'm me."

She smiled widely "Exactly"

I could already tell she was definitely a strange one "You can join me as long as you don't talk."

"Okay" she squealed I chucked at her child-like behavior. Demi was so full of life and looked like a really cool person. I decided to just enjoy her company.

It might not be for long but in this moment walking beside her and listening to Demi tell me stories about her family. Nothing could ruin this precious moment. It felt like I finally had a friend.

In this moment I could honestly say I was...happy.

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