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"Melissa, come on our plane is going to leave us!" Demi shouted, from down stairs.

Looking in the mirror one last time, I grabbed my suitcases jogging down the stairs of her apartment. We were on our way to Texas to visit her family.

I wasn't nervous but I hated flying the fear of crashing weighed heavily in my head as we boarded Demi's private jet. I sat across from her chewing on my fingernails. Trying my best not to look out the window.

Demi glanced up from her phone, "You okay baby girl? You look flushed"

I nodded my head refusing to make eye contact with her, couldn't the pilot hurry up? We could've been halfway there already if we left ten minutes ago when we first boarded the flight.

"You excited to meet our family for the first time?" She suddenly asks, distracting me.

I scoffed, "That's your family demi, not mine"

She frowned looking overall hurt, "If I'm your adoptive mother than that's your family too. Melissa"

I wanted to yell at her and say that she's not my mom just an care giver and I'm still the governments. But I decided not to, knowing that was a sensitive topic because she did want to officially adopt me but I didn't want it.

I don't need a family to be happy.

"Whatever demi" I mumbled, placing my cap over my face, putting my headphones on to tune her out

I must of fell asleep because when I woke up we were there, in Dallas her home town.

As soon as I stepped off the plane I could feel the climate change, "Its Hot as fucking shit here"

Everyone turned around to stare at me, clearly not expecting that outburst, "What the fuck are y'all looking at mind your own bu-"

"Melissa!" Demi scolded, pulling me over to the side she looked furious.

"We need to go over some rules for this trip" I wanted to laugh in her face was she serious? Rules and me in the same sentence, that just doesn't go together.

"Number one no cursing-"

I crossed my arms, leaning against the side of the plane, "The fuck you mean no cursing?"

Her eyes narrowed into slits, as I fixed my cap so it was backwards, poping a piece of gum in my mouth.

Her eyes did this werid twitch thing that I noticed she did when she was extremely mad or irritated.

"What does it sound like no cursing!" She snatched my cap off my head, "No stealing, no knives, fighting, you will be respectful or there will be consequences!" She hissed.

My smirk fell and my back straightened as she said that, my defenses picking up. I sized her up though she was taller my head still made it to her shoulders. She didn't back down I could tell she wasn't afraid of me.


"Consequences, What you gonna do demi? Hit me? Beat me till I can't walk? Send me back to my care home?" I spat in her face, my hands now fist.

She took a step back putting space between us, "Don't talk to me like that, don't you dare threaten me Melissa"

I laughed bitterly, "Threaten you? How am I threatening by saying something you don't like? One thing you should know about me demi is that I don't make threats their for cowards. I make promises"

I pushed past her taking my cap out of her hand and placing it back from my head. I needed to walk away before I said or did something I'd regret.

The Unwanted adoption (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now