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"I've been informed about your recent behavior Melissa, and I can't say I'm pleased. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Come Monday morning, two days after me and demi arrived back home I was sitting in my social workers office with my parole officer to talk about the "incident" I was so tired of explaining to everyone what happened.

Demi had me rehearsing what to say all weekend, it was monotone by now. "We went to visit Demi's family for the weekend and Demi's younger sister and I got into a disagreement" This wasn't completely a lie, though I wouldn't call what happened a disagreement.

"Whatever happened, you're lucky they didn't press charges. Because the next time something like this happens before your 30 days of parole are up. You will be put into a juvenile detention center until your trialed." He said, DJ was like a father figure I never had. He always wanted the best for me but like everyone else, didn't know how to control me.

So because of my little fight, I had community service for the next 2 weeks. I usually skip it or find a way for someone else to cover for me but I doubt demi would let me miss that.

Demi talked with them more thoroughly about the situation and what needed to be done. I tuned their conversation out my mind still trying to process demi adopting me. I officially had a family and it was bitter sweet.

Will I ever call demi mom? I doubt that but maybe one day. A small part of me- even though my parents did unimaginable things and hurt me beyond repair. They were still my parents, a small part of me wanted them to be apart of my life.

"Mel, we're leaving" Snapping out of my thoughts, I followed demi out the door. Once in the car I let my thoughts wander not really paying attention to what demi was saying.

"Demi?" I suddenly asked my insecurities something I never show making a appearance, "Do you think my birth parents ever loved me?"

She pulled the car over to the side and stopping the engine. A lone tear slid down my cheek as I stared out the window, watching the cars past by.

She pulled me into a hug, wiping the warm tears out of my eye's... God I hated crying more than anything. I don't want her to think I'm soft or weak.

"Let me tell you a story" she squeezed my hand in comfort. "You and I have a lot in common with each other. Growing up I didn't have the perfect life. I grew up as a normal teenager or as Normal as you can get. I went to the middle school right up the street from my house. I didn't have many friends so when I began to get bullied nobody stuck up for me. "

I couldn't believe it, demi got bullied? She seems like the nicest person and I haven't known her for that long but just the positive energy and the way she carries herself.... A blind person could see she had a good heart.

"My father was abusive, mean, controlling. So not only was I getting tortured at school but when I got home things were even worse. My point of telling you this is despite me hating him for what he did I knew he still loved me. He was just sick, he needed help. Im not excusing his actions or saying what he did was okay. Just that I knew he had a good heart but he suffered from mental illness and cancer. He wasn't there fully." She turned around in her seat looking me directly in the eye.

"So the answer to your question is yes, your parents loved you alot but they're sick. Not physically but mentally. They don't mean anything they did to you baby girl and I don't want you growing up with so much hatred in your heart like I did" she smiled, "Eventually you'll have to forgive them and let go"

With that she ruffled my hair and started the car back up taking us home. I had a whole lot to think about but the question I keep asking myself is. Am I ready to let go?

We ended up watching movies for the rest of the night. Demi showed me a song that she was working on. Everything was going great so far we were gonna go shopping tomorrow and pick out decorations for my room. She said this wasn't our permanent home but we'll be here all summer because she's working on her new album.

I've taken an interest in her music, I don't know if its just because I'm living with her or she's genuinely my favorite artist but I wasn't gonna question it.

I was on the brand new laptop she brought me making a twitter page when demi walked in plopping down on the bed next to me.

"You're twitter should be @/MelissaLovato they'll verify you right away and I'll follow" she said logging in on her phone.

"But won't your fans think that's a little suspicious?"

"It'll be an even better way of telling them your my daughter, we can post a Selfie and everything" she squealed jumping up and down on my bed.

Rolling my eyes I hit her with my pillow, "Stop jumping what're you five?"

"Am I the parent or are you?"

"I might as well be, I'm more mature than you" I laughed, "Who even let you have a child?"


She was honestly the biggest dork I knew, but that's what made her so unique. Demi was one of the most carefree people I know and the fact that she went through so much and came out on top was inspiring.

Right then and there I knew I had made my decision , I wanted to be like Demi in so many ways. I wasn't as tough as I thought I was apparently but spending the night getting to know her taught me alot. It was time for me to finally let go of my past.

It was time to forgive my parents and move on.



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