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Walking into school the next day with a dark haired, bulky, bodyguard glued to my side was not the entrance I was going for. I kept my head low and my pace quick trying my hardest not to draw even more attention to myself.

I'm not going to lie and say when maur informed me of demi assigning a body gaurd to me, I expected her to be... A little more welcoming? Was it normal to be slightly timid and afraid of your own bodyguard?

The matter of the fact was, Leigh, or that's atleast what mom told me to call her was ordered never to leave my side or let me out of her sight. So she was always on guard, always stoic and shooting threatening glances at everyone that spoke to me or got in a certain proximity of me. She would deliberately push me behind her, her fingers latching on to my forearm like a jellyfish to its prey. As she scared off yet another one of my 'friends' even the teachers cleared a way for me.

By the time lunch rolled around I was sitting at a table, alone. Leigh standing as still as a statue beside me drawling attention from everyone in the cafeteria She seemingly unbothered by it.

"Uh.. Leigh?"

She didn't move a inch, she didn't acknowledge my presence what so ever and continued to stare holes into everyone that walked within fifthteen feet of the table I was seated at. I could not go another day like this.

"You can sit y'know." I reasoned, even if she didn't acknowledge me I knew she could hear what I was saying. "And drink I have an extra ice tea if you want it."

She made no effort to pick up the bottle that I pushed towards her and i sighed, giving up completely.

"Fine." I huffed, "I'm going to the bathroom, can I do that by myself or are you going to come into the stall with me and wipe my ass?"

When she didn't say anything I walked away, not bothering to glance over my shoulder to see her reaction because I knew she was following me. I could hear her leather boots, thumping against the tile hallway sending a chill down my spine, even the way she walked looked and sounded intimidating.

After what felt like forever I finally reached the girls bathroom, and just when I was about to walk in a strong hand stopped me tugging me backwards. So roughly, I almost fell backwards. I looked up to see Leigh staring down at me with darkened eyes. "I have to check the bathroom."

Her voice was gruff much like her appearance, it was deep yet raspy and had an edge to it. I could just tell that she cared about my safety more than anyone I've ever come across.

"Who could possibly hurt me in the bathroom? The boogeyman isn't real." I muttered as she went to scope out the place.

"You can use the facility now. It's clear." her voice was monotone and she never looked at me when she spoke she always looked ahead of her.

Groaning in frustration, I childishly stomped into the bathroom slamming the stall behind me. I had to find a way to get out of this, Leigh's presence alone was suffocating me, suddenly I became very claustrophobic.

Finishing my business, I washed my hands and walked out heading in the opposite direction of the cafeteria, haven lost my appetite. I aimlessly wondered around the halls, turning a corner, I bumped into someone. Leigh was by my side in an instant, helping me up, she stood protectively in front of me, blocking my view of the person who was gathering her things from the floor.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted over Leigh's broad shoulders, hoping whoever it was heard me.

"Yeah no problem, wouldn't be the first time." I knew that voice, stepping to the side to get a better view I came face to face with Asia.

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