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Marissa wasn't doing good at all, she still wasn't breathing on her own and the doctors were telling us that there was nothing they could do. That it was really up to her only I refused to believe that. There was always something that could be done to save someone. And if she died I would never forgive them- myself, because it was my fault why she was in there. I was sure it was my mother who done this. It was the only logical explanation for it. As soon as she re-entered my life everything went wrong. She Was like a plaque once you come in contact with her, her venom slips into your blood line, eventually killing you.

I needed answers, there was still this huge time gap that didn't make sense to me. She was fine when I left for school, she didn't seem anything less than ordinary.

I mean, if she knew what was going to happen I would've known. Marissa is the worst at lying. So to get some of my questions  answered I took the note that was left on my pillow the night I came home from the party. I dont know how she got into the house and was able to leave it there. Thats why I feel it was my fault.

Maybe if I had told, she wouldn't be laying on a hospital bed fighting for her life. Demi wouldn't be here and everything would be back to normal.

I nervously chewed on my bottom lip, twirling the thin note that had a number on it between my fingers. Working up the courage to pick up the phone, dialing the number. I haven't talked to my birth giver since I was a little girl. She still had so much control over me it was crazy. I haven't seen this women since I was six and she still terrified me more than any monster under my bed.

Taking a deep breath I hurridly dialed the number before I lost my courage. It rung twice and on the third ring I swore I was gonna hang up, maybe she was busy? Just as I was about to call it quits.

A very youthful voice filled my ears. "Helwo?" The phone immediately dropped from between my fingers, I staggered back, shocked, confused. I was sure I just heard a little kid. It couldn't be, no.

I did some breathing exercises to help me calm a little and after several moments I was back to my normal heart rate. I shuffled to my bed holding the phone to my ear.

"Melissa? Is that you?" I cringed at her use of my full name it brought back so many horrible memories.

"Who was that on the phone just now?" I asked bitterly, ignoring her previous question.

There was a pause, so quiet that I swore she hung up the phone. "That's your little brother, Sammy."

Tears filled my eyes at the revelation. I had a bother, more importantly another innocent child was in her custody. I didn't even know the kid and i was terrified for his well-being and safety.

"How old is he?"


I used the bottom of my sleeve to wipe at my useless tears. I felt pathetic. She was raising another child.

"I'm not the same person I was years ago Melissa! I'm changed and I'm working for the better. For my son, he gave me a reason to get better." I wanted to scoff at that. He made her better? What about me? Was having me that much of a burden to her? Hearing that was the worst pain that I had ever experienced.

"Y'know what I don't care." I sniffled, "I just want to know who and why my aunt was attacked."

"Attacked? Are you okay? I-"

"Why do you even care?"I hissed, "You never cared about my well-being before. I just need to know if they're gonna come after my family again. I need to protect my mom."

"I'm your mother." I could hear the venom in her voice.

"You were never a mother to me and the fact that you think you were just shows me how fucking crazy you're." I spat, "Mother's don't hurt their children or put then in harm's way repeatedly for the sake of their own enjoyment."

My palms turned into fist as I continued, "Haven't you caused me enough pain? You said you were trying to be better right? So do this one thing for me and tell me who is after me and we'll never have to speak to eachother again."

"You're not going to believe me if I tell you." She warned.

"Try me."

"It's your father."


Update because it's been a long time and it's my birthday!

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