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The press conference was in an hour and i was getting the finishing touches of my makeup done. I haven't seen demi all day and the moments I did see her were short lived. I could tell she was anxious and just wanted to get the stupid thing over with.

We were directed onto the stage where a long table sat and I took the seat next to demi. Her manager Holly took questions one by one as I sat still in my seat. Looking everywhere but the camera.

"What made you want to adopt a child? And not just any child a black one?" My head shot up, as I eyed the person who asked that. He had real balls for being blunt but demi handled it accordingly, unfazed.

"Her color doesn't change the fact that she is my daughter, I may not have given birth to her, but I love her as my own and I will always. I want her because I do, I felt drawn to her, I wish I was her birth mother because her birth mother doesn't deserve the right to have given birth to such a good kid." Demi said passionately.

I felt every word she said, it tugged at my heart and I fought the urge to cry.

"Next question!"

A blonde lady raised her hand this time before speaking, "There's reports from our sources who said Melissa was involved in a robbery is that true?"

I gasped, how the fuck did they know that??? Demi said my shit was private. I never felt so embarrassed in my life and I was so thankful that my hair was down so I let it fall in my face to save me from the embarrassment as my face flushed.

"That question has nothing to do with why we're here, I'm here to talk about her recent hospital stay that caught the attention of alot of people. And I'm setting the record straight. She did not try to bring harm to herself or other people and was hospitalized because of a panic attack."

With that demi took ahold of my hand intertwining our fingers as we walked out the door.

"What if they find out more and leak it to the media?" I asked once we were in the car, demi hasn't said much and I just wanted to hear her voice.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."


"Uh, demi?"

"What Melissa?!" She snapped, I flinched at her tone and her eyes softened in the rearview mirror.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to-" she began to explain.

"Just save it demi." I interrupted, "nobody told you to foster a kid and now it's getting to much to handle like everyone told you. So you're leaving just like the others this is why I didn't want to be adopted and get attached because it's easier to say goodbye."

"It was really dumb of me," I chuckled bitterly, "To think you were different, to think you were finally the one that I was going live with until I turned 18. But like the others shit hits the fan and the honey moon faze ends sooner than expected."

"Stop it." Demis scolded pulling us over to the side of the road, "I'm not leaving you and I'm not backing out. You're my daughter Melissa mine! I took the responsibility because I knew I could handle it you were the missing piece to my life."

She stared down at my eyes lovingly, "No matter what the outcome is, no matter what gets leaked or what negative things people say to us we'll be alright because I'm never leaving you okay? We get though this together as a family."

By now I had tears in my eyes after Demi's speech, I was still worried about her changing her mind but a small part of me knew she wouldn't.

After our little moment in the car demi and I went out to eat before heading back home after a long day. It was around 10pm when demi slipped into the bed with me and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm so sorry baby girl." Her voice was hoarse and that caught my attention, but I continued to pretend sleep hoping she'll continue which she did, "I will protect you and I won't let them take you away from me. I promise."

So many questions swarmed in my mind, who was trying to take me and why???

Demi didn't say much after that and I could hear her light breathing indicating she was sleep and I soon found myself following her.


It's been a week since the press conference and demi has hired more security, this place looked like a military camp or the president was coming to visit our house. She still refused to tell me why and i was growing frustrated.

Richard had sent me a text asking me if I wanted to hang with him and his friends since last time he asked I was hospitalized the same day. This time I had to ask demi because he was picking me up from my house in 20min.

"Demi?" I called, I just prayed she was in a good mood, "Demi?"

I wandered around the house and found her in her study talking on the phone with someone. Not even caring I stepped into her office looking around, I haven't been in here before.

She ended her call, "Yes sweetheart?"

I cringed a little at the name, "I was invited to go somewhere with my friends and I just wanted to tell you."

"You're not even going to ask?" She chided.

I rolled my eyes, "He's going to be here any second demi I don't have time for this!"

She clicked her tongue, chuckling, "Excuse me Missy but you're the one asking me to go somewhere so I would fix the attitude."

"Fine, can I go please?" I begged, now y'all know how desperate I had to be to beg.

"I want you to take a body gaurd with you."

"But demi!" I whined, "No way am I taking your body gaurd out with me and my friends that's so weird and it makes me uncomfortable."

"I don't care, its for your safety." She stated, leaving no room for argument.

The door bell rang which let me know that Richard was here and demi was the first one out the door. When she opened it she looked everything but pleased. "This is who you're going out with?"

I stood protectively in front of Richard, "Yes, now we're leaving demi good bye."

I took his hand in mine and jogged over to his car, demi followed right behind us along with max, God, was I ever going to get a break?

"No smoking, no drinking, nothing illegal, I don't want you touching my daughter and I want her back home at a reasonable time. Max is going to be following you guys but he won't bother you. Have fun." She smiled.

I was so embarrassed I didn't even know what to say to Richard as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"You're mom is something." He said.

It still felt weird when other people referred to demi as my mom, I mean I let it slip from my mouth that one time but everything was still odd. I didn't know if I wanted to call her mom yet. Even though she throws the word daughter around like it's her last name.

"She sure is, hey I got a plan." I could only imagine the mischievous look on my face at the moment, "let's get rid of Max."


What do you think they're going to do?? And how much trouble us she going to get in?

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