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The Queen arrives to the medic room minutes later, accompanied by two soldiers. She was quite frantic and lost. She wanted to see her son first, but the thought of her husband watching over him alleviated the worries away. MinYoung, on the other hand, was more of a serious case.

Even if she has the power that all enemies are chasing after, death is still fatal for the lass. Turning her into a vampire may be out of the subject. It is also the choice of both the Elder and MinYoung whether it is necessary or not. 

SulHee abruptly stands up at the presence of the Queen, whereas the soldiers stood guard by the door, their silver lances held up with honour. 

"How is she?" she inquires.

"Better than before, I guess." 

She gives out a low sigh, before placing her palm on MinYoung's cheek. She heavily apologises about the unknown incident and prays that she recovers fast. It wasn't any of their faults. They just have to get to the bottom of this.

"Your Majesty, please, take a seat." urged SulHee 

"Thank you, SulHee, but I must be on my way. I will come back after the summit. I must attend to my son and the arrival of the royal guests." said the Queen, quite hurriedly. 

"Royal ... guests, your majesty?" SulHee asks, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. 

"Our dear, distant family's are coming to seek refuge with us. It's where Hoseok has also been staying for quite a while before coming here. Has he reported any abnormalities of the recent events?"

"Hoseok ..." SulHee mumbles his name, slightly flinching at the situation of the other royal family. 

Regardless of the hushed conversation between the two ladies, MinYoung was out like a light. She was worried about Mizu and confused as to why she saw Prince SeokJin before passing out.

"He hasn't spoken of anything yet. Hoseok is still resting. He said he has much to report, but only when the family arrives." SulHee continues. 

"Thank you, SulHee." 

The Queen stands up and walks over to SulHee's side. She pecks a kiss on her forehead before leaving the medic room, "Please, take care of dear MinYoung. Report to me instantly if anything happens."

SulHee nods. The door closes and she turns to face the sleeping MinYoung, "Whatever has come forth, I'm sorry for the danger that you're involved in. You did not deserve to end up like this."

She sits back down on the chair. She wants to hear from Hoseok as soon as possible, but the best way was to listen from Sehun. Her task right now is to assist in recovering MinYoung's health as much as possible. As a special type of human being, there would definitely be predators coming after the two women. 

SulHee sinks on the chair and sighs, tilting her head to look up at the uncharred and lumpy ceiling. She closes her eyes for a brief moment and opens them again. SulHee is unable to sit still and wait. Instead, she gets up and starts cleaning the room. 

The King enters the summit chamber, where the rest of the Elders, except for two were present. 

"Please, be seated." the King announces.

He sits at the end. The Elders take their seats on both sides of the table. Sehun stands behind the King and all of the soldiers were distributed around each corner. The Elders were quite at unease, especially as to what has happened to both girls. They haven't been these agitated ever since the responsibility was bestowed upon there.

There had been arguments between each other, but solid silence overtook the angry words by the time Mizu was brought to the chamber. 

Seconds later, Hoseok, the lad who was asleep and surrounded by hundreds of flowers at the garden enters the room, accompanied by two soldiers from his private chamber. The King inclines for Hoseok to take a seat and the quiet boy obliged. He takes the seat adjacent to the King.

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