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The pair's bodies wriggle against the antidote now succumbing to their poisonous fluid. The snakes are unable to withstand the cooling pain and yield to their slow deaths. Their black-tinted orbs eventually whiten and large trickles of drool seep down their agape mouth. 

The subtle calm wind waves through the locks of his hair. The man stares blankly at the desiccated bodies of the two black mambas. He sheathes his sword back in his leather scabbard. 

"Good riddance." he comments before kneeling down to help the guard stand.

"T-thank you, sir Sehun." the guard said. 

"Don't mention it. We can't have any more of our own men gone."

The guard steadies his uneven exhales and swallows the dry lump in his throat. 

"What's the situation from your end, sir?" 

Sehun approaches one of the snakes from a safe distance even though both were dead, slew at the hands of the general. He takes out a dagger from the other pocket and protrudes the end of the knife onto the lumpy scale. It cuts through its skin, causing more poisonous bile to leak. 

The guard limps slowly toward him. He hears familiar footsteps running toward the pair. 

Sehun examines the liquid under the bright light of the moon. 

He stands up with ease, leaving the essence in a small vile. 

"Same situation as here. A few of our soldiers were ambushed. Women, children and the elderly are fine. Some didn't make it." he sighs, the heaviness weighted in his exhale. 

The guard lightly bites his lower lip. 

"Oh yeah, what are you doing out here? Aren't you all gathered with the Elders, their Highness' and others?" Sehun inquires. 

"Actually ... about that, uhm, the underground chamber is trapped by the rubble. Not everyone we know is there. The Queen and other mothers are missing, including one of the flower twins. The King is fighting against his son. NamJoon and N are carrying three children with them. They're headed to find Mizu."

Sehun raises an eyebrow at this urgent matter. He had a lot to say.

"Go back to the Elders with the rest and recover. I'll go find where the others are."

"But, sir—"

Sehun immediately unsheathes his sword, pointing it directly at the injured guard. 

"That is an order. Don't make me repeat it again."

The guard becomes flustered. He quickly nods and is assisted by another sentry. The two are walking past the dead black mambas and towards the blocked corridor. They can easily jump up without clinging to the rubbles. 

Sehun starts jogging back to where he appeared from. At this time, it's hard to sense distinct presences, especially with the overwhelming fragrance of poison. 

It isn't that lethal yet, but the longer one inhales it, they'd be paralysed for a few hours. 

The general covers his mouth with a leather mask. His sentries follow after him in search of more civilians. Even if there are those who are able to defend themselves, there were others that are inexperienced and immature. 

The group disappears into the shadows once more. 

NamJoon halts next to the preserved wall. He quickly yet carefully releases the kid to his feet. 

The overwhelming pressure and fear got to him. He is scared for the guard and for the group. The bile rises from his throat. He rests one palm against the wall as he bends over. NamJoon throws up empty bile. 

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