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SeokJin rushes to the paralyzed and bleeding NamJoon, of whom starts to shake and wheeze at the abrupt paroxysm. 

The King hastily cuts the bloody red strings from Xavier's grasp, causing his weak body to fall. Both parents rush over to catch Xavier's body, leaving Sehun and Sul Hee rooted in their spot. Xavier's eyeballs rolls backwards as he falls into unconsciousness. 

It was all happening too fast. SeokJin couldn't believe what he'd seen with his own pair of eyes. 

The fact that he'd just witnessed his brother's ability and reappearance after a week of being separated left him breathless, including the matter with NamJoon's escape. There was so much going through his mind right now that the previous days were empty. 

NamJoon's trembling vessel was heavily felt by SeokJin. There were evident scars and wounds on his exposed arms. His overalls were slightly burned, even after the red strings had vanished into evaporated steams. SeokJin held him securely to ease the boy's tremors, but it only made him more frightened as he huddled closely to the young prince. 

SeokJin ends up trembling too when NamJoon's blood stained heavily on his palms. He couldn't make out a direct answer and went straight to an obvious inquisition. 

"What the hell just happened?" SeokJin weakly voiced out, which happened to be the same for both Sehun and Sul Hee. 

Both King and Queen were guilty in hiding this secret from SeokJin, or to be more accurate from everyone. It was the first time they had observed such an ability that their first choice was to keep it secret and study Xavier's powers.  

SeokJin had to think fast. 

He has to treat NamJoon, but in order to do that he'll need to remove the cause of it first. He glanced up at his unconscious brother. It wouldn't be possible if the young prince demanded to remove his brother out of the chamber. SeokJin also had the sense that he couldn't tend to NamJoon's wounds without his own Mother. 

The boy remains traumatized and today's unpredictable event had to pile up on his list. His headache ceases to deplete. His eyes start to glisten in tears. 

Gradually, both of his eyes roll backwards and his body becomes limp agains the young prince. 

How much more did NamJoon have to suffer? 

"Sehun, please carry her to another chamber and attend to NamJoon after."

SeokJin, without another glance at his family carries the bleeding NamJoon on his back. He closes his eyes to transport himself to a vacant chamber and Sehun follows after. The Queen's words didn't get a chance to cross itself to SeokJin's ears as he was already out of ear-shot. 

"Dear–" The Queen hesitates. 

The King slowly nods and easily carries his son into his arms. The same guard that escorted the Queen follows from behind. They make their way back to the master's chamber. The Queen looks at Sehun bringing the woman's body to the next chamber, inducing Sul Hee to excuse herself to attend to NamJoon as well. She feels dismayed at herself.

The Queen sits on her knees for a few seconds before standing up.

As SeokJin leaves Sul Hee to examine his wounds, he noticed that it wasn't gravely deep. He'd assume NamJoon would pass out, despite being coated in his own blood. 

Or was that Xavier's blood? 

NamJoon wasn't going to suffer from any more blood loss. It is a relief to the young prince since he needed NamJoon to elaborate more about his past sufferings. 

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