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The first time Jin saw the two fresh faces at the same time, he thought of the duo as a snowflake and a caramel combo. They arrived with blank faces. The young prince didn't know the backstory of their lives and simply observed these two at a distance. 

It was only just a few days that the pair had arrived. They weren't in good shapes when they were rescued. Jin recalled the deep blood shade of red that contrasted so greatly to the boy's snowflake-like skin.  

Min Yoongi was categorised as a snowflake for having such porcelain pale skin, as what Jin's Mother had quoted. He wondered at first if this type of vampire was born in the hands of a snowflake Mother, but then again it was just the genetics. 

Yoongi didn't speak nor interact with the others that much. They thought of him as the soft and shy hermit who rarely comes out in the gatherings of the Sanctuary. He'd always lower his gaze down, shying away from other vampires at all times. It wasn't easy for the young prince to approach the lad, yet he still persisted to do so until Yoongi opened up. 

The caramel boy, on the other hand has a cheery vibe compared to Yoongi. Albeit he was younger than Jin by two years apart, his personality matched to that of a hyper five year old. 

"I'm Kim Taehyung! Nice to meet you!" 

Jin recalled Taehyung's bright tone and wondered again how fast he had to adapt compared to his arrival. 

Instead of getting soaked with red blood all over his body, he was only affected with smithereens of dust particles, leaving his hair disheveled and face dirty. The young prince didn't recognise whether he was a girl or a boy at first despite the soot all over his features. 

It was evident by the tone in his voice. 

Regardless of the happy tone in his voice, Jin could not help but to ponder how badly damaged Taehyung could be on the inside. It was just a thought. Those who smile may actually pretend to do so.

Playing pretend might not be noticeable for amateurs and the boy might as well get away with it easily. These were just the endless questions and thoughts piled inside Jin's mind. 

These pair were placed together as roommates, including NamJoon inside a vacant chamber. Time was spent well between the three as they got along quite well. There were no grudges held against one another and Jin admired that aspect. 

"Tell you the truth ... I hate being pale white. Catches the attentions of the humans sometimes. They say I'm either a direct descendent of an angel or a ghost. " Yoongi drawls out as he throws a dart on the board. 

He got a seven, inducing the lad to do a small victory fist punch in the air. He picks up another dart and proceeds to throw again. 

"At least they don't stare at you down for being tanned." Taehyung sticks his tongue out and casually downs the blood in the wine cup till the very last drop. They were very fortunate enough to drink from wine cups. 

"Where'd you get that wine cup?" NamJoon inquires, holding up his recently customised glasses. 

He was fond of the glasses, given by the Queen herself that he couldn't stop cleaning it. NamJoon had been having sight issues ever since the escape. He was lucky enough to get customised glasses directly from the Sanctuary.

"This? Brother Jin gave it to me. I asked for one from him."

"For what?" Yoongi scrutinises and succeeds in scoring a ten. 

He gets up and ambles toward the board, proceeding to take out the darts stuck on the board and one on the wall. Yoongi was surprised at his strength, despite putting minimum effort on throwing the said darts. 

"Just wanted to know how nobles drink from wine cups. Doesn't make a difference compared to other glasses, besides the drink of course." The young boy shrugs his shoulder and relaxes comfortably on his bunk. 

A knock sounds from the door and the three of them sat up straight. 

They could tell from the scent of whom was behind that door. Jin waited for a few seconds before entering. 

The boys would either freeze or open the door for His Highness. 

"Hey guys. What are you up to?" Jin inquired, walking towards the small group of shy boys. 

They were still quite intimidated by Jin's presence, even though he remarked himself as a normal step-brother to them. He didn't want them to feel awkward and praise him for being the young prince and all. Jin felt content in having brothers, even though they were not of the same blood. 

Regardless of having Xavier as his actual twin brother, the distance between them grew. He tries to get closer to his own blood brother, but Xavier was to be out of sight from everyone. 

"Taehyung's testing out what it feels like to be a nobleman." NamJoon squeaked and the latter threw a side glare at him. 

"Huh, really? How's that feel?" Jin chuckles and the slightly tense atmosphere dissipates. 

"It's okay. It's the same as a usual glass to drink from. There's nothing fancy about it like I saw from the noble human families." Taehyung briefly explained, his eyes somehow glued to the floor. 

Yoongi, on the other hand, nods. He doesn't say much and would prefer not to. He stated that he wants to conserve his energy as much as he can without speaking or moving. Little did he know that it would affect him the opposite way. 

Jin purses his lips and gathers the courage to ask the three of them a question, "Well, uhm ... don't feel awkward around me guys, or else I'll feel awkward around you too. Anyway, uhm, I was wondering if you guys want to go on a little adventure outside the Sanctuary?" 

A small gleam of light sparked in their eyes. 

They usually never go out, as it's for the sake of their safety. Staying inside the Sanctuary was never a bad idea, but staying in one place for a long time can easily bore that feeling. It was a relief that they could go out, especially with the prince. 

"Come on. Let's go. We only have a while before we've to return."

Within a second, Taehyung was already sprinting towards the door. NamJoon tugged Yoongi and dragged him to walk as well. Jin followed from behind, a broad and cheeky smile plastered on his face. 

He hopes that they can get along well together without feeling that one is superior than the other. 

. . .

a/n: yeeeet, i'm back after some time. sorry for the delay and long wait. the writer's block comes and im forced to update another story :D

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