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"You will have to bear the heavy consequences for your unacceptable actions. You have been warned, oh King of the Sanctuary for you have crossed the line."

Distant howls dissolve into ringing bells. The bitter coldness seeps uncomfortably under the layers of his velvet clothes. He groans in his slumber, a few shifts despite the unbearable and continuous echoed words reoccurring in his mind.

The King jerks up from his wonderful sleep, of which was disturbed by a susceptible nightmare. He gasps loudly and out of control. The frantic eyes of the King tears to the left and right. His eyes manage to grasp a few split images in his dark chamber.  

The last abrupt and unfathomable images were still fresh in his mind. He holds onto the silky cloth of his gown to ease the shakiness of his arm. 

His heavy and uneven exhales induced his sleeping wife beside him to stir awake. He'd almost forgotten that she was there. The nightmares pushed him into a dead end filled with impossible ways to escape. 

She pushes herself to sit up, letting the thin layers of the silk blanket fall off from her shoulder. The King glances at his wife, of whom pulls up a sweet smile to check on her husband. The swelling on her stomach doesn't bother her a lot. She could easily do light exercises without earning a cramp on the back. 

"Dear, what ever is the matter? Did you get a nightmare?" She inquires with a tender voice, soft enough that people would assume she was mumbling.

The King manages to control his exhales. He focuses onto reality and releases the grip off his shirt. He reciprocates the warmth of his wife's fingers caressing his cheeks. His eyes were gleaming a glowing bright red against the chiaroscuro chamber. 

His wife notices it first. She knew he isn't hungry for blood. Even if he was thirsty, she wouldn't hesitate to feed him with her blood. There'd be no hesitation at all. She knows that it would not affect her children. 

"I ... I'm fine. Just a little disturbance." He replies nonetheless, as he glances his way to look at the swelling stomach of his wife.

He was going to have twins soon enough and they were boys. His mind became rather hazy from the recent nightmares. He'd forgotten how he knew about their appearance; how he felt that his two children were bound to be boys.

It was more or less of a notion that he'd suggested the twins might be boys. He couldn't help sensing the pulsating vibrations around his body at the thought of having male twins. He didn't mind having a girl child as well, but that might be for another occasion.

The King lightly grabbed her fingers and pecks a light kiss on the back of her palm. The glowing hues of his red eyes eventually falter and they return back to its normal colour.

"I'm sorry for distressing you from your sleep. Would you like me to fetch you a glass of water?"

The King places one strand of hair behind her ear. Even in the dark, the Queen was slightly abashed by his small and courteous affections.

"Thank you, but I am well alright. I know I am because my boys are. Isn't that right, SeokJin and Xavier?" The Queen smiles as she gently rubs the swelling of her stomach.

Her voice remained soft and honey-like, much to the preferred tranquility of their surroundings. 

The King lifts up a weak smile. He was anticipating for the birth of his newborns soon enough. He hadn't thought of what to name his children at first, yet his wife was one step ahead of him. He didn't mind that she thought of their names first. 

As long as his wife and his soon to be born children were safe and healthy, he didn't need to worry about anything.

Aside from the whispers that continue to warn him, he'd have to deal with a load ton of responsibilities tomorrow.

The King leans forward to place a chaste kiss on her forehead before the two resume to slumber. He inwardly groans as his muscles ache from jerking up instantly. It should've been quite fine for his muscles to be so tense after having to fight through a lot of obstacles. 

The Queen rests her arm around his torso. She adjusts her body well to the comfort of the bed and closes her eyes as if the reoccurring nightmares hadn't bothered her. 

If there was ever an issue, she will not stop to find a solution. 

Even if it costs her own life. 

. . .

220419finally managed to get back into writing since i'm not that busy for this semester. just lacked the usual motivation and inspiration, but anyhow, hope you enjoyed this short prologue!

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