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The walk back to her shared chamber was brisk and short. 

Luckily, with the help from SeokJin, she did not have to suffer an insurmountable amount of hours trying to find her way back. The brief encounter with the young prince, of whom he has introduced himself caused MinYoung to conceal her head using the veil. 

"I'm sorry for putting trouble on you, Your Highness. I didn't mean to wind up lost. I'm just bad with directions." She squeaks out. 

"It's alright. I once got lost as a kid the first time I attempted to go solo. It didn't start well, but my wails got through to my Mother. And by the way, just call me Jin." He shrugs his shoulders and continues to lead the way. 

"Okay ... Jin."

SeokJin didn't speak much and so did MinYoung. She kept a reasonable distance from the prince and tried to memorize the corridors. She also attempted to distinguish any differences between each halls, yet needed some explanation and time. 

Once the escort was over and MinYoung had safely returned to her chamber, the elders bade their gratitude to the young prince. 

SeokJin pulls up a wide smile that caused his cheeks to almost puff. He resembled a hamster. MinYoung's stomach churned in hunger, but she couldn't stop wondering how warm and soft he looked. 

For a moment back there, MinYoung didn't really see SeokJin as a prince at all. He looked quite normal to even be called royalty. 

"Have a good day, Ma'am." SeokJin bows down deeply.

He stands up and returns a small wave to MinYoung, which she acknowledges with a heartfelt smile. 

"Have a good day as well, Your Highness." 

SeokJin could have easily teleported around the Sanctuary instead of walking around. Sure, he needed to take his mind off of certain things. Perhaps he needed someone new to talk to about the incident just now. 

He didn't really have a close friend in mind. 

Most of his friends from the young age moved out to another region. It was due to keeping a balance within the community. The mountain couldn't be piled with hundreds and thousands of vampires. 

So there were those who desired to move to another safe mountain and seek refuge there. 

The sun was beginning to clamor down. Closed pair of red eyes filled with slumber were starting to fall apart to consciousness. Some vampires didn't need sleep that much. In fact, they could go on for days without sleeping. 

Pushing one another to wake up, it took them a few seconds just to regain back their liveliness. 

In NamJoon's mirage, he can see verdant trees and healthy flowers amongst his surroundings. The air was cold to the touch and breezy. 

The undulating wind enveloped him like a blanket. It provided him with a sense of safety. 

The sunshine glistens in warmth, coating the upper layers of his tanned skin with serenity. The blue tinted with violet sky hangs above his head. Puffs of white clouds scatters around the blue canvas. 

He wants to stay here forever. He savours the natural greens and yellows in utmost appreciation. The silence of human speech was comforting, replaced by the light swishes of the swaying sunflowers. 

NamJoon ambles through the open path provided for him. He walks through the light breeze freely as if there were no issues to ponder about. 

However, that desire soon crumbled when one sunflower wilts to unhealthy brown. NamJoon did not have the time to react fully as the rest of the crops became wilted weeds. The ground that was once vivid green became ugly brown and bloody red. 

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