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It was one of those times that SeokJin tolerated the most about his twin brother. His rage issues that winded up causing a havoc, which leads to his Father to forcefully put Xavier to sleep. 

The old man could only put him to slumber for a while, just so that his anger cools off. The situation was sometimes unbearable to the point where SeokJin received wounds. 

It did not pain him at all, even though the scars were almost permanent and deep. He averted telling it to his parents as Xavier was already a concerning situation. 

Xavier was put to bed in another chamber separated from SeokJin. It was already time that the twins part from each other, although their bonds were known to be strong enough. Letting twins separate would only cause more emotional trauma, but in this case SeokJin didn't mind rooming alone. 

Eighteen year old SeokJin glances at his own reflection from the reflective mirror. The tales of a vampire's being unable to appear crossed his mind whenever he stands in front of the glass. Yet there he was looking haggard and exhausted and malnourished. 

He hasn't been able to eat human blood well for the past few weeks. His ability to feed and gain memories intensified. More images meant prolonged periods of memories. Some were interesting and questionable, but majority were useless. 

SeokJin ponders whether these memories will be useful for him somewhat in the future. He has yet to explore the wonders of the world. The young prince hasn't gone around that much. Being tasked to stay at home whilst others do the work for him renders the boy in a state of boredom. 

He pulls one sleeve up to his arm and studies the mark. 

SeokJin glances at the faint scar on his arm. It was a light gash made by Xavier. The boy lost control over a lost item and winded up throwing glass plates around. SeokJin tried to be the responsible brother and coaxed the lad to calm down. 

The healed gash on his arm was proof enough that his pleads didn't work. SeokJin had avoided violence.

SeokJin exhales heavily and brushes his disheveled hair, "What a day it is already."

Aside from worrying about the state of his brother, SeokJin's mind was also occupied with the chance of being the next in line. He admits to himself that he's still young and inexperienced. Everything that he's learned of about the Sanctuary and the responsibilities about being King went out through the other ear. 

Xavier was surprisingly the better one in paying attention. He has the better skills and performance to be King. 

He just doesn't remember his random anger issues at all, as if they've never occurred before. Xavier even wonders why the twins were separated, but the Queen only highlighted the matter as an independent training. 

He didn't feel like becoming one and was definitely not interested. He'd rather have someone else from the bloodline to take over. He knew Xavier wouldn't be chosen, albeit he's the older twin. 

SeokJin pulls the hem of his shirt upwards and winces at the multiple scars on his flat stomach. He admits that it isn't a nice view to look at all. He considered himself to be quite underweight, regardless of the lack of training he does. 

Eventually, he strips his shirt away and once again sighs at the scars that continued all the way up to his bare chest. He noticed a few hair strands growing on his pale frame, but the wounds were more prominent than the former. 

He rubs his chest, as if to wipe the marks away. Yet they remain, like the memories of the blood banks. 

A knock sounds at his door and SeokJin hurriedly grabs the shirt to cover himself. He steps away from the mirror and pats the non-existent dusts away from the material. 

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