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"Some say that your brother was born with an unfortunate curse. For him to throw such a wild tantrum at such a young age deemed strange. It's unusual compared to other children, but Xavier is special. Others say it should be the natural behavior of a vampire. That we should be merciless and terrifying to humans. That we should be act lethal to anyone who poses a threat." 

Twenty two year old SeokJin gazes up at the peppery crescent. Its sharp, pointy edges creates a perfect form of the letter 'C'. The clouds barely obscured the appearance of the moon and the words of his Mother in regards to Xavier was glued to his mind. 

Silence and serenity has never fully felt desired up until now. 

His gaze lands down to the hundreds of silhouetted trees. He manages to glimpse a few greens and browns of land below him. 

In between there somewhere lies an open passage, which leads directly to the human community. It is only the clustered and tall trees that conceals the appearance of the grand mountain. 

SeokJin intertwines both fingers together. He feels lonely without his brother and parents. The last time he saw Xavier was about a week ago when he was bound to be sedated until an answer was to be discovered. SeokJin rarely sees his Father, for the old man was always busy with piling schedules. 

As for his Mother, he can only see her once a day. The Queen was also tasked with caring for the trouble woman, namely MinYoung. 

SeokJin just wanted a friend. 

How hard could that be?

For the first time, the young prince finds it hard to breathe. His life seems to be on edge. At this point he is a lost cause. The connection with his family feels foreign, as if he doesn't know them very well anymore. 

SeokJin huffs a great exhale. His gaze finally lands down to the entrance of the Sanctuary and his heart almost leapt at two new incomers. He could see and tell from a distance that they were vampire refugees. He didn't know where they originally came from, the others that is. 

The young prince leaps from the zenith and softly lands on the ground. Even though it isn't his duty to oversee the visitors, he felt that he could make his first friend right now. 

The old lady held one lit lantern. She seemed to be quite malnourished, despite the weariness of her frail features. Highlighted by the faint light shows the individual strands of white hair against the brown. Her lips were chapped and eyes were swollen. 

Beside him was presumably her son. He didn't look at all too happy. His frown was almost equivalent to the King throwing a tantrum. Maybe he was suspicious of taking shelter under the Sanctuary. Maybe, he had to fight a group of boars since he looks roughed up. He seemed younger than SeokJin, although he couldn't entirely be sure of it.

SeokJin couldn't make the judgement.

Before the guards could question the newcomers, SeokJin beat them to it. 

"Your Highness―"

"Ma'am, lad, please come inside. You can tell me everything whilst we get you healed up. Are you injured anywhere by any chance?" 

"Please ... help us." The old woman croaks out. 

Her grasp on the lantern begins to weaken. Her half lidded eyes become heavy and so is her body. The young boy, of whom is slightly taller than her frail frame holds it for her. He manages to support the old woman as much as possible. 

The haggard lad remains quiet and distant. 

"Guards, please escort them to a chamber and provide them with nourishments. I will stop by in a moment."

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