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"Brother SeokJin ... what happened to him?" whispers Yoongi. 

The prince was resting on his bed, eyes shut closed since they found him at the cave. A soldier was standing guard nearby. There was no explanation as to the situation the moment they returned to the shared chamber. Even the soldier has no clue about it. 

SeokJin hasn't woken up, although noise was made. NamJoon is well aware that the prince is a light sleeper and any noise may disturb his slumber. He usually doesn't mind, as he'll instantly go back to sleep.

NamJoon doesn't want to assume too much. He shrugs at Yoongi's inquiry. None of them can comprehend the situation, let alone figure what's going on. 

"Are we under attack?" Taehyung asks, panic rising over him. 

"It's highly unlikely of that happening ... there's no emergency evacuation or anything at all." NamJoon reassures. 

He opens the door of the chamber and glances both sides, seeing the empty hallway and not a presence in sight, except for a few other vampires lingering here and there. 

"I suggest we stay put for now and hope for Brother SeokJin to wake up. There's no telling what to do, aside from our own business." NamJoon continues, sitting on his bed. 

Slightly frustrated and thirsty for something dense to drink, Taehyung asks Yoongi and NamJoon whether they want to drink as well. Both of them shake their heads. Taehyung clicks his tongue and walks towards the direction of the still open door. 

A familiar figure appears in between the door's frame, the lantern barely illuminating his broad figure. His presence startles Taehyung and the three present in the chamber. 

"Your majesty." Taehyung bows down.

NamJoon scurries off his bed, almost tripping in the process before he bows down at the King. 

A grim expression is noticeable on the King's face. His eyebrows were furrowed, showing the creases of skin on his forehead. The boys, including the soldier were uptight and serious, straightening their backs leaner than ever. Taehyung was posturing his back ever so straight he'd be afraid to bend over and cause an embarrassment in front of the king.

Slowly, the grimness fades away, replaced with a touch of tranquility and an essence of curiousness. 

"How is he?" he inquires and almost in unison, the three boys exhale their breaths out in an exaggerated manner. 

Sehun was standing behind the king, the commander's frame slightly smaller than the broad ruler. They didn't notice him at first, but once they saw the scrunched up brows on Sehun's face, they momentarily sucked in another breath of air.

"Still asleep, your majesty."

"Hmph and quite soundly too." the King remarks. 

The King looks around the chamber and the three men were tense again. He was about to say something and nothing came out. His attention landed on NamJoon, inducing the lad to panic at the King's keen stare. NamJoon's arms were shaking, although he kept it hidden as much as possible behind his back.

"Please, watch over your brother, for now. I'm expecting guests to come in a bit." 

Their shoulders, that was tense, crumbled down into ease. Taehyung held his shirt, where his undead heart was located at. He makes a dramatic fall on the knees, whilst kneeling down, letting out a groggy exhale. 

It felt like they were undergoing two mental tests in one shot. 

NamJoon felt a surge of exhilaration at the acknowledgement that they were a part of the King's family. Well, aside from accepting refuge, they were really treated like a normal family. His eyes were slightly throbbing and dampness forms on his eyelids. 

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