lviii. lead me home

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FIFTY EIGHT. lead me home

     ADELINE walked in between the railroad tracks, her eyes void of emotions

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ADELINE walked in between the railroad tracks, her eyes void of emotions. The Grove had been left behind to decay in their memories, truths unfolding between Carol and Tyreese after what happened. The widow couldn't rid her actions from her memories, and the dried blood that was tucked soundly underneath her fingernails helped constantly remind her of what she had done. And who she had done it to. She realized how easy it was to forget how sinister the world could be when you weren't looking.

She walked next to Tyreese, occasionally looking over at him to make sure that he was okay. Carol had finally told him the truth about Karen and David, and unexpectedly, he accepted it and forgave her. Adeline respected him for it - seeing as it nearly took her a year to fully forgive her brother for something that was out of his control.

Things went the way they were supposed to and how they were always going to. But, it didn't mean that she wasn't hurt by seeing the man she loved get killed right in front of her. And by her own brother. The person she trusted more than anyone. It hurt her to see her husband betray her too, and it was too much for her to process. It caused her mind to go on lockdown - shutting herself off from everyone for months and depriving herself of grieving.

Carol spaced herself from the two, holding Judith in her arms as she trailed behind them. Their group of six had became four in the blink of an eye - and the mother had once again lost a child, but this time it was two instead of one. Carol was grateful and thankful to Adeline for choosing to be the one to carry the burden by doing what she did. She knew now that no one should ever have to.

The decision was surrounded by inescapable traps. And no matter who was chosen to commit the act, all of them would fall into one. They bonds they had before were tightened - bringing them closer together than they ever had been. Even Carol and Tyreese. Their last night in the Grove was filled with a type of silence that was almost impossible to experience more than once. And it was something that no one ever wanted to go through again.

Adeline had become focused on one goal. Getting to Terminus and finding the rest of her family. Now, more than ever, she needed to be with the people she loved. She knew Tyreese needed to be with his sister, and Carol, even though she didn't admit it, needed to see Daryl. The older woman had spoke to Adeline before leaving the Grove about how she wanted to go off on her own, she felt that she was meant to be alone. And she had convinced herself that she wasn't worth of being back with the group.

The widow couldn't convince her otherwise. She tried, but all of the words she spoke was coated by the guilt that clung onto her actions. Killing Lizzie and burying her alongside her sister. It was something that haunted her. She became afraid that it would never leave her mind. Adeline wondered what the world wanted from her, and why it continued to push her to the edge.

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