xxxiii. say the word

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THIRTY THREE. say the word

 say the word

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Adeline sat quietly in the security of her shared tent outside of Hershels farm, her chin resting tiredly on her knees that were tucked to her chest. She resided in the fabricated floor, thoughts racing through her mind at an inhumane speed. It was one of those rare days when the group had time to theirselves, time to think about what had happened to them and plan for the future.

It had been four days since it was revealed that Sophia was inside of the walker infested barn rather than being lost in the woods. Four days since the shootout at the bar, and four days since they had locked an injured Randall up in a shed. Shane sat on the floor next to her, his back pressed against the frame of their cot with the red crate stuck between his legs.

He had parts of his gun sprawled out on the surface that was covered by one of his shirts, cleaning the metal while his eyebrows were threaded by pure concentration and focus. Adeline moved her eyes to him, watching with tired eyes as his fingers moved across the black metal. Shane could feel her stare, carefully sitting the pieces onto the crate and turning his head to catch her eyes.

"We should go into town ." Adeline changed to subject before it could become one, absentmindedly twisting the wedding rings on her finger. "Get some supplies before winter hits." She added onto her words, swallowing what she truly wanted to say to him. "Maybe some stuff for the baby. Milk, bottles, toys."

At her words, Shane shifted slightly and turned back to his gun. Adeline watched as he slowly put the pieces back together and sent his tongue over his lips, "We should." he agreed with his wife, sliding the fully loaded magazine back into the gun before carefully pushing the crate away and standing up.

Holding his hand out towards his wife, Adeline looked up at his calloused palm for a few seconds before taking it in her own and pulling herself up. Shane kept her hand in his, sliding his pistol into the holster on his side before pulling her into a tight hug. "You deserve better than me, Addy. I want... I need you to know that."

With reluctant arms, she wrapped them around his body and breathed a breath of relief while sinking into his hold that she longed for. "We deserve each other, Shane." Her voice mumbled into the material of his shirt, rubbing her gloved hand against his back before pulling away slightly and looking up into his eyes. "I still love you."

"It would be safer if you didn't." The words were above a silent whisper, his lips placing a soft kiss onto the bridge of her nose before he released her from his hold and handed her the fur lined jacket her had found her on one of the runs he had went on. "Come on, Little Bird."

Nodding slowly, she slipped the jacket over her arms and grabbed her beanie off of the floor. After sliding it over her head, Adeline checked to make sure she had her weapons before walking out of the tent with her husband. The camp was silent, only a crackling fire to keep them company with morning fog wavering against the fields. Dale sat watch atop the RV, waving down at the woman. "Where are you two headed off to?" He inquired.

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