li. a long way down

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FIFTY ONE. a long way down

 a long way down

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GONE. Everything that they had worked so hard for, the things that good people died for - all torn away from them in just the snap of a sadistic finger. Their lives, their routines, the people they loved and called family. All gone. All Adeline could think about was the last thing she saw when fleeing the prison; her brother in the field, the Governor on top of him with his hands wrapped around his throat. Killing him. She never even saw him get up from the ground. There was no time for her to stick around and check, no time to see if Rick lived or if the ones she loved made it out of the dying fire alive. That's all she wanted to know.

During their escape, Adeline and Tyresse only managed to scrape up a very small amount of things. After finding Judith, the two of them somehow spotted Lizzie and Mika among the chaos and saved their lives from a group of five walkers. They had Judith's diaper bag, which helped tremendously in the search of supplies that would help keep them alive. Most of the prison had been destroyed, consumed in flames and left to burn. They had just enough time to grab a five cans of food and two half empty bottles of water, not much but enough to keep them going for a day or two.

They kept to the dense forest for cover, which was a tip that Adeline had learned from Daryl Dixon a few months ago while hunting. They had ran into a small horde of walkers, and they were forced to rush into the tree line which provided them the safety they needed . But now, it's the only thing that the survivors could cling to. With the sanctuary of the forest, both Tyresse and Adeline took turns with holding Judith until they couldn't any longer and Lizzie or Mika took the baby off of their hands. It was dysfunctional, but it managed to work for them.

The only downside was that Adeline happened to be the only one who could make the baby stop crying. Which was what they found out when three hours had passed since their escape, the group of five trekking through the forest and down a small dirt trail that had formed over the years. Adeline kept Judith in her arms, shifting the infant every so often when her muscles grew weak. The soreness in her body from the sickness that she had only just recovered from still remained, sweat lining her skin as she was forced to push away the emotions that wanted to break loose.

"You want me to take her?" Tyresse questioned, looking at the both mentally and physically exhausted woman that walked alongside him. A feeling of relief soared through her, nodding in agreement at his request before stopping in her step and handing her niece to him. Adeline sighed, popping her knuckles and rubbing the soreness in her shoulders before glancing back at the two sisters that trailed behind them - "You two okay?" She spoke, noticing the same look of exhaustion in their features.

Lizzie nodded, "It's gonna be dark soon. Where are we going?" she questioned in a small voice. Adeline had been the one leading them since their escape since she knew the forests better than any one of them. "Just a little farther." The widow informed, a tired sound to voice as she motioned for the two girls to follow her and Tyresse. Mika was the first to move, quickly rushing to her side and sticking close. She was taking them to a small clearing in the woods, a place where she, Daryl, and Theo camped out at once before when a hunting trip went on for longer than intended.

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