xxxi. inhale and exhale

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THIRTY ONE. inhale and exhale

The prisoners had made their introductions on the way to the courtyard

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The prisoners had made their introductions on the way to the courtyard. Adeline was shy of doing the same, considering she was weary of their every move. She was tempted to question exactly why they were put into prison in the first place. But for some reason, that knowledge was to the least of her brothers worry. When on the road, the siblings could only agree on one thing - keeping the group safe and alive. Adeline struggled with getting her mindset in the right place to be able to work alongside him, to keep him alive when he killed the man she loved.

She found herself talking to him when it was in order to save Hershels life - but every time she caught a glimpse of hope in his eyes that their relationship was actually fixed, she regretted speaking a single word to him. When it came to her brother, forgiveness for what he had done was the last thing on her decaying mind. She strongly believed forgiveness was far down the line, nearing impossible. But the group hoped that sooner or later, she would put aside their differences and talk to him.

Boots padded against the concrete stairs, sunlight peeking out of the open door that the prisoners made their way out of. When stepping foot into the light, the first thing her eyes were greeted with was the rusted grate that caged around the staircase. Adeline crossed her arms over her chest uncomfortably and stood next to T-Dog, the two of them walking down the stairs with similar looks of weariness on their faces.

"Damn, this sun feels good." Oscar, one of the prisoners, rejoiced in the warmth. Spreading his arms out, he craned his chin to the blue sky and avoided looking at the dead bodies littering the courtyard.

Axel on the other hand, took notice of every single body against the concrete. "Good lord. They're all dead." He commented, not even acknowledging the sunlight that he had failed to receive for almost a year straight.

The cocky one with the gun that Adeline felt cautious towards, Tomas, swung his arms out and popped his bones. "Never thought I'd be so happy to see these fences." He spoke, looking around at the walkers that clang helplessly to the metal rings of the fences.

"You never said," Andrew, the shorter and smaller one of the bunch, spoke while turning to face Daryl. "How the hell did you get here in the first place?" He inquired, his hands wrapped around a random keyboard he had found on the ground.

Daryl motioned towards the tower while Adeline watched his movements from her position next to the stairs, "Cut a hole in that fence over there by that guard tower." He informed- his crossbow swinging by his legs.

"That easy, huh?" Andrew retorted, causing the redneck to shrug and look to him with squinted eyes - "Where there's a will, there's a way." He spoke nonchalantly.

Big Tiny poked at one of the dead walkers on the ground with the pipe he held, its skin squishing nastily from the touch. Scrunching his nose, he turned his head to Rick who stood by the stairs, "So what is this, like a disease?"

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