xlvii. the outbreak

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FORTY SEVEN. the outbreak

     ADELINE stood in the field with Rick, the morning sun resting against the siblings figures

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ADELINE stood in the field with Rick, the morning sun resting against the siblings figures. A day had passed since the disaster in the store, the group returning home with somber news that weighed heavily on their mind. There was a nice gap of time since they had a death in the prison, let alone the death of a kid.

The blood that once coated her skin was gone, the deep cut on her hand had been cleaned and bandaged by Hershel. Daryl was the one to tell Beth about Zack, which led to Adeline feeling selfish for not going with him. It was one of the many reasons why she respected Daryl; he carried the burden when others couldn't.

Surprisingly, the doctor woke up before Theo did. Which led her to the decision of letting the kid sleep in. It was a rare occurrence, and Adeline was sure to take advantage of it. Ever since the merge of Woodbury and the prison, Theo had struggled with sleeping - and seeing her friend get killed in the woods probably didn't help.

The Grimes siblings had just finished feeding the piglets, hands stained with dirt and mud from digging in the garden. Wiping at the layer of sweat on her forehead, Adeline picked up the metal bucket that had once been full of grub before passing it off to her brother who slid it into the empty one he held.

"I don't think I'm fit for farmers life." She stated, picking at the dirt stained bandage around her hand.

"Why's that?" Rick questioned, squinting his eyes at her as he petted on one of the piglets. "Waking up at six in the morning." Adeline was quick to answer, leaning against the wooden fence of the animal pen. "I hate it so much."

Her brother chuckled before standing up to stand next to his sister, "You never were a morning person." He spoke, placing the metal buckets over the fence and onto the small bench next to the pen. "It's better than being out there," Rick informed, gesturing to the cluster of walkers that clung to the fences. The number of stalkers had grown overnight, clanging against the protective fence.

"Speaking of," Adeline started, following after him out of the pen with tired eyes - "Can you start bringing your gun with you when you go out to check the snares?" She requested, causing her to stop in his steps and look at her.

"I'm just saying, you could run into a group of walkers and only have your knife with you. It's not smart, Rick. You know that." She defended herself, her eyes sharp.

Rick turned away from his sister, "You need to stop worrying about me and start worrying about yourself." He lectured, causing the woman to groan before following him in his steps. "You keep pushing your limits on these runs and you're gonna end up hurt- or worse."

"Jesus," Adeline sighed. "Rick, I know my limits. I'm just trying to tell you that there's people that are worried about you. I mean, you barely go outside of these walls. What happens if they come down?" She questioned, her words causing him to abruptly stop in his step to look at her bewilderedly. "What? We have to be prepared for that. Knock on wood," Adeline added quietly.

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