xxxvi. midnight dove

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THIRTY SIX. midnight dove

  The muffled sound of an argument pulled Adeline out of the deep state of unconsciousness, body jerking forward in the vehicle she laid in

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  The muffled sound of an argument pulled Adeline out of the deep state of unconsciousness, body jerking forward in the vehicle she laid in. Her hands gripped the edges of the seats, eyes springing open as the realization that she was in the green Hyundai dawned on her. The feeling of waking up from a long nap slammed into her, dizziness greeted her body as she popped the door open. Morning sun shined down on her as she slid out of the back seat, hastily shutting the door quietly behind her before taking in her surroundings.

Deep forests sat protectively on each side of the paved road, fog resting gently against the tall trees. Adeline pressed a hand to her head, the back of her skull pounding with pain due to getting out of the car hurriedly. Meeting her own eyes in the cars window, the purple and black bruise around her right eye failed to go unnoticed as she brought her fingers to the mark and grazed it.

The soft touch caused her to wince in pain, eyes falling down to the clothes on her body. Daryls flannel remained on her arms, warming her skin from the chilly wind. Stepping away from the car, Adeline looked to her legs and swallowed the spit in her mouth in attempts to suppress the memories that tried to lash freely in her mind hauntingly. She felt disgusted with herself, body itching to change out of the pants she wore when the man who called himself The Governor put his hands on her.

Adeline felt the need to take a boiling hot shower, to let the water burn the layer of skin to rebuild a new. She fought the battles inside of her mind, tearing her eyes away from her legs and running a hand over her face before facing the woman who leaned against the car next to her. Locs framed her face, eyes sharpened into a careful yet skeptical glare that drilled into the widow.

Glancing to the katana crossed over her back, Adeline wiped the solemn emotions away from her face and replaced them with a tight lipped smile. The woman noticed this, but deciding against talking about it as the widow shifted on her feet - "What'd I miss?" Adeline questioned, hoping to get answers for what had happened.

With only a silent stare, the woman pointed in two separate directions. One finger towards the woods and one down the road they stood on. Following her stare, Adelines body tensed up at the sight of Merle Dixon taking a piss on the rough bark of a tree. Turning her head to the highway, she found Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Maggie in a hushed circle. It wasn't long before she put two and two together, reluctance taking over her features as she opened the door and grabbed her machete that sat in the floor of the vehicle.

After curling her fingers around the weapon, Adeline slammed the door shut before stalking over to the circle. Bags of exhaustion mixed with deprivation sat proudly underneath her eyes, strands of brunette hair framing her face. The boots she wore padded against the rough road, machete held tightly in her hands as if someone were to attack her at any minute. Daryls flannel fit comfortably on her body, the first few buttons left open to reveal her bloodstained chest. The dried splatters on her face had been wiped away, her gratitude going to whoever did it.

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