l. the fall of everything

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FIFTY. the fall of everything

                      DEATH was something that Adeline Grimes feared

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DEATH was something that Adeline Grimes feared. The thought alone sent her barreling down a bottomless pit of fear, at least that's how it used to be. When the world fell and the dead rose, death became the norm for the woman turned widow. She became okay with the fact that one day would end up being her last, that there would be a last time doing the things that she loved. Talking to Rick, showing Carl how to clean a gun, holding her niece, being woken up by Theo, her daily walks with Glenn, and even taking the night watches with Daryl Dixon.

But, the last thing she had expected was for the possibility of today turning into the one where everything fell. Every norm, every daily thing. All gone in just a matter of minutes.

Waking up in the barren walls of her cell, the nurse immediately noticed the immense change of health in her veins. The urge to cough every second that disappeared, and the echoing sounds of sickness within the cell block had dispersed. She could feel the soreness of her throat from the tube that was forced into her mouth last night as she swallowed her spit, face scrunching up in discomfort as she shifted in the small bed. Feeling a slight ache of soreness in her muscles, Adeline furrowed her brows as she looked around the rather small room.

Spotting a familiar hunting knife on the metal desk in the corner, the woman automatically knew why she was feeling better. Daryl and the others had returned with the medicine. And the bright sun that poked through the grated window of the cell informed her that night had passed, and she had been unconscious the entire time. Glancing down at her arm, Adeline's eyes landed upon a needle that was stuck in the crease of her elbow ━ it was attached to an IV, which no doubt inserted medicine into her veins.

Tucking the tangled strands of brunette hair behind her ears, the nurse sat up from the bed and tiredly placed her legs over the side of the thin mattress. Looking down at her hands, the crimson red that covered them last night was gone - a metal bucket filled with red water sitting next to her bed with a bandana thrown over it. A small smile curled around her lips, knowing exactly who had cleaned off her hands for her while she was asleep. Adeline pulled the needle out of her arm with steady hands before her eyes caught sight of a torn piece of paper sitting next to her bed on a chair.

Taking the note in between her fingers, the nurse squinted her eyes slightly to realize that it was a page torn from the bible. A passage in the page had been highlighted, 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. The words read, a warmth of gratitude flowing through Adeline as she immediately knew that Hershel Greene was the one that had left the page for her to see. The elder had the tendency to say wise words at the right time, and he never failed to say what needed to be heard.

Clearing her throat, Adeline folded the page into a square before sliding it into the back pocket of her jeans. Moving her hand to the edge of the mattress, she held onto it for support before pushing up to her feet. The bones in her knees popped, the exhaustion in her features wavering into the air as a yawn escaped from her lips. She peeked out of the cell door and made sure that no one was in sight before rolling it shut and walking over to her bag that sat in the corner of the barren room. Bending down, an expression of discomfort flooded her features at the ache of pain in her muscles.

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