xv. no time to die

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FIFTEEN. no time to die

 no time to die

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FEAR. It was an emotion everyone had felt, that everyone had experienced. That goes for both before the end of the world and after. It was something that made your heart race and pump either adrenaline or fragility through your veins. It either made you stronger or weaker. It was your choice of how you choose to control it. Which path you're willing to take to get you out of sticky situations. For Adeline, her current sticky situation was being trapped in a ticking time bomb with people she slowly started to care for. This made fears gears start turning, a rush of adrenaline which was fueled by the need to escape coursing through her body. Glass shattered against the steel door, the sound of Shane Walsh and Daryl Dixon slamming sharp fire axes into the metal following shortly after.

Pushing her back against a desk, Adeline settled her sharp stare onto the scientist before her. "You're sick, you know that right?" She questioned, resting her arms atop her knees that were pushed to her chest. Jenner looked to her with calm eyes, "You know what's out there. A short, brutal life and agonizing death." he informed, turning to Andrea after. "Your sister. What was her name?" He inquired, using his knowledge to his advantage.

"Amy," Andrea answered after a short pause, avoiding the eyes of her friends and keeping them on the scientist. "Amy." Jenner repeated in a sympathetic tone, "You know what this does. You've seen it." He reminded, glancing at Rick who stood next to Adelines resting figure, "Is that really what you want for your wife and son? For your sister?"

While Rick seethed the three words of, "I don't want this.", his sister had raised her middle finger and directed it towards Jenner for using the guilt trip to get his way. Her whole life, everyone had milked her with the same excuse. The guilt trip. The words that made every able body cave in and do what was requested of them. It was manipulative - and now that Adeline had the fuel of survival pushing her through, she wouldn't let anyone trick her into doing things she didn't want to do.

Slamming the ax down onto the desk Adeline sat against, Shane breathed heavily and looked to the Grimes siblings. "I can't make a dent." He informed, resting his head on the surface in attempts to calm his labored breathing. Jenner switched his stare to the ebony-haired police officer, "Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher." he spoke nonchalantly.

The sound of rushed footsteps and metal scraping against metal bounced off of the walls, Daryl Dixon raising his ax above his head as he launched towards the scientist. "Well, your head ain't!" He bellowed, ready to swing down only for the men (excluding a tired Shane) to hold him back and force the weapon out of his hands.

In the middle of the loud commotion, Adeline mumbled a quick Oh my god before resting her head between her knees and looking to the smooth ground. Jenner sprung from his seat and directed his stare back to Rick, "You do want this. Last night you said that you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." He informed, causing a scoff of disbelief to leave Adeline's lips as she lifted her head to Jenner - "He wouldn't say that." she defended, not believing that her brother would lose faith in them, in her, after everything they've been through together. After she risked her life to keep him alive.

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