xxiv. overwhelming thoughts

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TWENTY FOUR. overwhelming thoughts

Silence became an overwhelming feeling, broken cries blending with the unspoken air

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Silence became an overwhelming feeling, broken cries blending with the unspoken air. Adeline dug her fingers into the dirt, watching numbly as Shane threw a thick cover over the body of Sophia. Carol had broke out of Daryls hold several minutes ago, leaving them to deal with her newfound grief. The sobs coming from Beth Greene became louder as she pushed her way through the small crowd, all attempts to stop her becoming nothing but futile until she reached the body of her mother.

"Ma," She choked out, tears making a home down the trail on her cheeks. In an instant the silence was broken by the loud roar coming from the walker Beth leaned over. It's hands grabbing ahold of her daughters blonde hair and pulling her down to its rotted teeth. Everyone sprung from their spot, hands curling around the teenager to pull her away.

Pulling herself off of the ground, Adeline unsheathed the machete by her side as T-Dog kicked the walkers head away from Beth. Before it had the chance to claw at someone else, the machete found itself imbedded into its mushy brain which killed it instantly. Blood splattered against her skin as the silence came once again, bodies pulling away from the scene and slowly making their way over to the farmhouse.

Hershel held a broken Beth to his chest, Maggie and Patrica on either side of them. Rick, Adeline, Shane, and Glenn trailed behind them. The girl only came to make sure her husband didn't try anything stupid again, sliding her machete back into its place next to the throwing knives on her side. "We've been out combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along?" Shane started his questioning, close on Hershels tail. "You knew."

"Leave us alone." Maggie seethed, throwing her eyes that were sharpened in a glare back to the talking man. "I-" Hershel started, but was only greeted with a loss of words as Rick curled his hand around Shanes bicep in attempts to pull him back - "Get your hands off me." He hissed, jerking his arm out of his grasp.

"You knew and you kept it from us." Shane continued, pointing his finger towards the elder. "I didn't know," Hershels voice was broken which caused Adeline to be struck with a bolt of sympathy and guilt. "That's bullshit, I think y'all knew." Her husband spat.

Adeline scoffed, "They didn't even know what Sophia looked like, Shane. Stop throwing accusations at everyone just because you want answers." her voice was sharper than the set of knives on her side, angry by the way he was doing things.

"You-" Hershel started, allowing Beth and the other two women by his side to go up the stairs leading into the house before turning to face an angry Shane. "Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed." He guessed, throwing his hands up in the air with tired eyes.

"You expect me to believe that?" Shane retorted, his wife standing close to him with sharp eyes glued to his body. Adeline had become tired of being quiet, or letting things slide because she was too afraid of what her words would do and how they would effect the way things played out. "What do I look like? I look like an idiot?" He kept on.

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