xliii. arrow on the doorpost

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FORTY THREE. arrow on the doorpost

     ADELINE stood with her arms crossed, a slight ache of pain from the bullet graze on her shoulder

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ADELINE stood with her arms crossed, a slight ache of pain from the bullet graze on her shoulder. It had been two days since they left Morgan in the midst of his own mind and returned back to the prison with a carload of guns and ammunition. There was a noticeable change in the doctor upon her return, the group could tell that she was slowly regaining her old personality back with a few tweaks here and there.

A meeting between her brother and the Governor had been set up by Andrea, which led them to be where they are now. It somewhat resembled a distillery, a bunch of warehouses on a piece of land in the middle of nowhere. Only four of the group had come, fearful that it might've been a tactic to get them out of their home in order to launch an unprecedented attack against the prison.

Adeline, Daryl, and Hershel kept watch outside of the warehouse that kept Rick, The Governor, and Andrea hostage to a meeting. In front of them stood two of Woodbury's goonies, names unknown and preferred to stay that way in the eyes of Adeline. She allowed her hand to rest against the hilt of her machete, finger tapping anxiously against the red tape.

Silence wavered in the air around them as Hershel shifted on the crutches. "Maybe I should go in." He spoke, holding his gun up in the air while his voice broke the silence that once lingered around them.

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately." The man wearing a pair of bottle cap glasses informed, scribbling down words in his notebook that sat atop the surface of a car. One of the goonies brought along.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl questioned, squinting his eyes from the bright sun that shined down above them. It was still morning, which meant a gust of chilly air accompanied the two groups. Adeline wore the flannel he gave to her the night of their escape from Woodbury, a distressed band tee shirt underneath it.

"Milton Mamet." The man informed, his voice soft which
which confused Adeline who looked at him with a glare in her eyes. It looked as if he didn't even know how to hold a gun, and that speculation only grew when she realized he in fact, did not have a gun on his body.

Daryl nodded his head, "Great. He brought his butler." He commented, causing Adeline to snicker from his words. The other goonie chuckled into his palm, avoiding the eyes of his friend who only glared at him.

"I'm his advisor." Milton corrected, turning his head back down to the notebook on the hood of the vehicle he stood next to. Daryl looked back, "What kind of advice?"

The man sighed, raising his head back from the notebook to eye the redneck - "Planning. Biters. Uh, you know... I'm sorry, I don't feel like I need to explain myself to the henchman. You're not going in. End of story." He retorted, a sassy tone in his words.

"You better watch your mouth, sunshine." Daryl remarked, causing Adeline to keep her eyes trained carefully on her friend. The woman stepped forward, "Alright. Milton, that's my brother in there so if I do wanna walk on in, you and your two man army will be the last thing to stop me." She spoke, standing next to Daryl.

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