xxiii. little bird

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TWENTY THREE. little bird

     The small fire in the center of their camp crackled, morning fog resting against the tall weeds in the fields

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The small fire in the center of their camp crackled, morning fog resting against the tall weeds in the fields. Adeline sat against the dirt, back pressed into the rough bark of a tall tree. She had her knees tucked to her chest with a paper plate held in her hands. The only sound heard was the crackling of the firewood and forks scratching plates in a hungry manner as Carol walked over to the woman and dumped the little eggs that remained into her plate. Adeline nodded thankfully to her before shifting slightly at the sudden shadow looming over her. Craning her chin, she took notice of her husband leaning against the same tree with a plate in his hands.

Glenn paced nervously in front of the group, fiddling with his hands as he tried to build up the courage to say what he wanted to say. Dale had convinced him to tell the group the truth, the elder had even offered to do it for him but the boy assured he could do it himself. They kept Adeline out of the loop, knowing it would give her a surprised look when it was announced and that was what she needed to convince her husband that she didn't know about it.

"Hey, guys..." The words trailed off of his tongue, eyes anxiously looking around. "There's uh... The barn is full of walkers." Glenn informed, the fork lifting to Adeline's mouth stopping abruptly in its tracks and falling to the plate. Her surprised and confused eyes met his, curious as to why Glenn failed to tell her that he was going to say it out of the blue.

It wasn't but a second when Shane took off towards the barn, her body quickly standing up to the ground and chasing after him with the rest of the group on her trail. "Shane, slow down." She pleaded, catching up to him just as he peeked into the gap between the large wooden doors.

When a sudden snarl was heard from within, Adeline pulled her husband back in a quick motion away from the door. Shane grumbled angrily before turning to their appointed leader, "You cannot tell me that you're alright with this."

Rick kept his eyes on the barn, "Of course I'm not. But we're guests here, this isn't our land." he reminded just as his sister walked away from the wooden doors.

"For gods sake, this is our lives!" Shane yelled angrily, his voice loud enough to make the walkers become known of their presence. Glenn was quick to step forward and shush him with wide eyes, hands held out in a hushing motion.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug," Andrea spoke up, her hip popped out. T-Dog nodded his head in agreement, "It ain't right. Not remotely."

Adeline watched as her husband paced, rubbing a hand over his shaved head. "Okay, we either gotta go in there and make things right or we've just got to go." He listed out two options, his wife crossing her arms over her chest and looking to him - "Where would we go?"

"Fort Benning. Now we've been talking about-"

Rick threw his hand out, "We can't go."

"Why, Rick? Why?" Shane retorted, not knowing the reason behind the man's actions. But, Adeline did. Last night her brother approached her and informed her about Loris pregnancy, and all she could do is act surprised like she didn't know a thing.

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