lxviii. mending broken bridges

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SIXTY EIGHT. mending broken bridges


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The warm flicker of the lantern light cast uneven shadows against the pale prison walls. Distant chatter and conversations occupied the community, the pale moonlight guarding the fenced-in perimeter. The low groans and moans of eager walkers creaked against the metal, becoming background noise alongside the chirping of hidden crickets. Emerald lights attached to the end of fireflies danced among the field, scattered across the grass and decorating the pen where the pigs slept for the night. It was peaceful. Which was something that was a true rarity in the new world, several members of the group choosing to cherish every second of it.

There was an orange flame amidst the fire pit that sat tended to in the middle of the courtyard, several chairs circled around the spot; accompanied by the survivors. Adeline claimed one for herself, a quilt thrown over her lap to shield her body from the chilly winds. The shadows of the whispering fire moved across her freckle-covered features, a touch of red warming her cheeks. A small smile found its way to her rosy lips, her tawny eyes crinkled while her hand slid over her mouth. Her raspy laugh merged with the sound of others, stale liquid of beer swishing around the glass bottle in her tight grasp.

The words of "I thought it said push!" scattered defensively from the mouth of an embarrassed Maggie Rhee, her cheeks flushed with a red blush. Glenn sat beside his wife, laughter he attempted to hold back leaving his lips as he moved forward to pull her into his chest sympathetically. "I'm sure you did." He spoke, careful to avoid spilling his own drink onto her back. "Now let's stop picking on my wife, yeah?" Glenn joked, a playful smile curling across his mouth━━his eyes moving over to Adeline who gave an apologetic shrug.

"Figured everyone could use a smile after Judith spilled the last of the maple syrup this morning." The widow informed, moving to sip from her beer as Theo Grace let out a loud groan from where she sat by the fire next to a smiling Carl Grimes. "I was just starting to forget about that." The eleven-year-old said, throwing her head back to look at the woman. "How did she even do it?" She questioned, glancing back and forth between the Grimes siblings that beside of each other.

Rick chuckled as he craned his chin, shaking his head as he took a gulp from his beer. As usual, he left the explaining to his sister━━Adelines' eyes moving away from her brother and back to the little girl before them. "I may or may not have handed it to her as a distraction while I changed her diaper. And it may or may not have totally backfired on me." She explained, tracing the rim of the glass bottle with each word.

Daryl Dixon kept his attention solely focused on the widow as she spoke, the fire occupying the space between them. His leg was propped up against a sawed log, noticing the glazed-over look that sat in her eyes. The same one accompanied his own due to the stale beer that Glenn Rhee and a now drunken Maggie found earlier on a run, giving the group the chance to have a minute for themselves. It was rare and it didn't happen often, which meant they each took advantage of the situation.

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