xxix. to build a home

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TWENTY NINE. to build a home

     Eight months had passed in the blink of an eye since the death of Shane Walsh

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Eight months had passed in the blink of an eye since the death of Shane Walsh. The groups survival relied heavily on Daryl Dixon's hunting skills and their ability to kill the walkers they came into contact with. The chance to mourn the ones they lost had been ripped away from them, but mostly from a numb Adeline who had changed into a new person over the course of time. The group had to form a new relationship with her over the eight months. Rebuild what trust they had. They had to adjust to the abrupt changes - to the woman who would do anything to feel something other than the grief that smothered her.

Other than the few reckless things she had done, she had also become more selfless than she already was. In order to keep any one of them safe, Adeline did what had to be done. It was hard for her to do that same thing for her brother, and he even tried to rebuild their bond but the trust she once held with him had been broken and left in the field he killed her husband in. Over the course of eight months, she had spoken a total of four words to him. And they had been spoken all at once, "Stay away from me.", and he listened. After that, he never tried to get the bond back. But in retrospect, all she wanted was for him to try.

Adeline used to crave the silence, the moments where her mind received a chance to think. To reminisce on the past and the memories she had. But every memory clang to her sinisterly, constantly reminding her of everything she no longer had. Now she hated the silence - she despised it more than her own mind. Adeline Walsh kept herself busy, she made sure she never had a second to think. She never gave a second to the voices that dug into her brain with their serpent tongue. She made sure there was too much noise to go on, she didn't give herself the opportunity to grieve. To let it all out.

Surviving meant going from one place to another. It meant staying quiet, keeping the yells of anger in to make sure everyone stayed alive. There were a lot of moments for the survivors when they wanted to just scream, to curse at the world for not giving them the sanctuary they needed. The sun had risen to dawn, a new decaying day that they had to survive through, more hours spent on running from one safe place until it no longer became secure and they were forced to move on.

Nothing lasted as long as the farm did, the longest they had stayed since the dying fire was one week. That was at a couple of storage units, it gave them time to rest. But Adeline never let herself have a break - she kept watch most of the nights there and only fell asleep when her eyes were struggling to stay open. Another hopeful place confronted them, a home swallowed by the dense forest setting strongly before them. The weaker ones in the group stayed back and let the strong clear the house, Adeline standing next to the one person she allowed herself to confide in - Daryl Dixon.

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