xxx. the second hand ticks

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THIRTY. the second hand ticks

The bulky bulletproof vest she was forced to wear by the group itched uncomfortably against her skin, nose scrunched in discomfort at the feeling

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The bulky bulletproof vest she was forced to wear by the group itched uncomfortably against her skin, nose scrunched in discomfort at the feeling. Adeline had only received an hour of shut eye before Rick wanted to venture farther into the prison, but it was enough for her mind to be comfortable with. The group consisted of the same one as before when they cleared out the second courtyard, except this time around Hershel Greene trailed along with them. Convincing him to stay was near impossible, and having both of the doctors out worried the survivors. Adeline assured them she could defend herself, but ushered them to keep an eye out for the elder in case anything happened.

The barren hallways were littered with dead bodies, the sound of rats squeaking causing an eerie feeling to crawl up the nurses spine. Using her brain and deciding against holding her flashlight like the others were, she taped her own to the shoulder pad of the vest she wore. It provided her plenty enough light to see, and with the source of the others it almost looked as if there were windows. She kept both of her hands around her husbands black pistol, one of her throwing knives tucked into the material of her fingerless gloves for easier access.

Glenn shook the spray can loudly, painting an arrow that pointed towards the way back on the middle of a bloodstained wall. Continuing down the hallway, Adeline walked next to her brother and kept her fingers curled around the pistol. Looking around at the ground, her lips turned in disgust at a body laying against the surface. It's legs were there, but it was just bloody bones. The skin had been eaten off of the now dead prisoner, and there was a part of her that hoped he wasn't alive when it happened.

"I find that it helps if you don't stare," The kind voice of Hershel whispered through the silence, keeping it low enough so that he wouldn't attract any walkers. Turning her heard, she furrowed her brows at the smile lacing the elders lips.

Adeline nodded her head, "I'll keep that in mind for next time." she responded quietly in attempts to cease the conversation. It's not that she didn't want to talk to him, but that every time someone from the group attempted to spark a topic - it was about what she had lost and how she was strong enough to get through it.

Hershel kept his eyes on her and reached his hand out, pulling her back by her shoulder carefully. Before she could ask what he was doing, he motioned towards the walker she was bound to trip over. "I know how it feels to lose the person you love. And I know how it feels to be told the same thing over and over - so, I'll tell you something different this time round. You will get over the loss. But you'll never get over them. It's one of those things that just stick to you." He informed the woman - the two of them falling behind in the groups steps.

Adjusting to his words of advice, she shifted the vest on her chest and nodded slowly. "I-... thank you." She whispered with a small smile, the emotion nearly reaching her eyes which the elder took notice of before she met his eyes and squeezed his arm - "I'm sorry for what he did. Back at the farm, the barn. I'm sorry." Adeline added before pulling away and catching back up with the group.

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