xlv. welcome to the tombs

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FORTY FIVE. welcome to the tombs

 welcome to the tombs

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IT was all a lie. A diversion tactic to make the Governor and his army of children and incompetent men to believe they had left the prison. They had packed up almost everything in order to play the part right. At first, Adeline wanted to be one of the ones that fired the first shots at them, but her brought thought it better if she were out in the forest with the weaker side of their group.

Surprisingly enough, she didn't argue with the decision. She figured she had done enough damage to Woodbury and their people, so she agreed on sitting on the bench for the rest of the game. Which ultimately led to where she stood now, outside of the person and in the middle of the forest with Hershel, Carl, Beth, and the baby. Judith. The widow had yet to hold the infant or even look at it.

The autumn leaves crunched underneath the boots she wore, gloved fingers picking up a thicket of branches and dead grass to lay against the Hyundai; camouflaging it just incase a curious person with a death sentence tried to investigate it. Adeline felt the cold wind brush against her face, cheeks becoming rosy from the low temperature.

It had only been a day since the Merle incident. Daryl being Daryl, brushed away his grief and pretended it never existed. But, Adeline knew it did. She better than anyone would notice the signs of denialism that was being thrown in her face by the hunter. Ever since she held him that day in the field, he slowly started to distance himself. She even started to convince her mind that she had been the only one to ever see the man cry.

Vulnerability seemed to be a huge thing for the Dixon. Something that he didn't feel comfortable sharing with anyone, especially the woman closest to him. Adeline just didn't know how to explain to him that not being okay was okay. That it was okay to show a little bit of emotion here and there. Luckily enough, she didn't expect him to understand right away.

After all, it took Shane years to realize he could cry in front of his wife without being seen as a wuss. Fragile masculinity should be the least of their worries during the end of the world. Daryl was thankful for Adeline and for what she did for him. It just seemed like he struggled to accept that fact that someone besides his brother cares for him. Someone that genuinely gave a shit.

"That should do it." Adeline announced, dusting the dirt and crushed leaves off of her gloves. Loose strands of hair that had fallen from her beanie framed her face, a crimson red blooming underneath the pale skin of her cheeks. "We should hear back from them in no time." She reminded, looking down at the radio on her side. "They'll be okay."

"You have no need to worry." Hershel spoke up, leaning against his crutches as he approached the woman. "It's written all over your face, dear." He informed, answering her question before she could even ask it. "You have to remember that they're in our territory. We have the upper hand." The elder continued, looking through the thicket of trees and towards the prison.

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