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3rd pov
Place: the lov hideout

"So that's your genius plan?" twice questions the villain's skeptical plan.

"I thought it was smart to be honest" another voice comes out of the opposite corner of the fairly dark room. kurogiri was standing there, hands defensively crossed in front of his chest, he expresses his opinion contradicting what twice had just previously mentioned.

"Look im not saying it's perfect but it has at least a 50% chance of working right?" Dabi looks at his comrades. "Look I know its risky but does ANYONE have a better plan?" the room was filled in silence as the fire quirked villain angrily snaps. if they had a better plan it was now or never but for obvious reasons he was the one to make plans in the league and most of them were more than successful "I thought so"

"How do you know that twice isn't going to mess this up?" Shigaraki says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Look the plan is quite simple" dabi starts explaining "we attack, and shoot the boy with the memory eraser" he pauses. Glares at twice and looks at toga "you two will make it seem like he's there with the broccoli boy and make it look like he got hurt and is dying and the blood gore and shit, if you want to add angst its your choice i dont care, but make his death as tragic as you can"

Toga looks at twice "and how are we supposed to do that? its not like our quirks can do what you want us to do, sure twice can make a clone but the clones cant get injured so where are we getting at by this?"

dabi swore to himself as he tried to explain the simple plan for the 50th time. he felt like he was talking to a bunch of brick headed assholes, its not like he wasnt but still. "how many times should i explain this" he complains "twice makes a clone and you turn into someone that can do illusions and you morph, that's it"

everyone silently agrees to the plan as it seemed to be the easiest and most convenient one out of all of them. it wouldn't take long until they finally had what they wanted for months on end.

"See you soon sho" a mumble is heard as dabi smacks the files on the desk an turns around to face the door. "we will finally reunite after 10 years" he laughs evilly.

Place: UA dorms

"WHY IS NO ONE NERVOUS THIS IS EATING ME UP" the electric boy was genuinely confused as too why everyone seemed so calm and collected. well, not calm and collected but themselves, why everyone was acting like what was about to happen a few days later was just a normal Tuesday.

"At least you wont remember most of it" jirou smirks waiting for kaminari to understand what she had implied. teasing kaminari almost made her forget about the terrifying outcome of an attack like that.

"Why wouldn't I that's stu- oh ha-ha. very funny jirou, first jamming way now this, its like were in a comedy sitcom" kaminari answers with a monotone face... at least he was trying to make one.

Everyone seemed euphoric. no one would actually show it but they were horrified of what was about to happen during the attack, they were just kids, why did they have to do this? just why?

the night went normally, Mina and sero were teaching todoroki how to dance and todoroki was failing royally. Midorya was getting yelled at by Bakugo because he kept on messing up the food and they had to redo certain things multiple times.

Kaminari and ochaco were laughing their asses off because of how much todoroki was messing up. Sato alongside sue were discussing recipes and the difference some ingredients make in a well planned dish. Iida and momo were having the time of their life reading about a certain poets life, feeling inspired, and admired the mans guts. life felt normal again, they were okay... for now.

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