kai elric?

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Todoroki's pov
Place: secret lov hideout

I squint at the sight f a huge light bulb put right in front of my face almost blinding me. where was I? I could felt several people staring at me but I couldn't go further than making out a mere silhouette. how did I get here? why was i here?

i was suddenly fully aware of the cuffs holding both my arms and legs in place, metal rods against my stomach and chest preventing me from being able to move any further, I was stuck. I felt like i was being continuously choke to the point where I could breath but it also made my head heart and made my lungs implode.  i needed to breath.

"W-where am I" I try to talk but my voice comes out weak and pained, my throat throbbing and my chest heaving everything hurt while simultaneously being numb, everything sucked. 

"id try to not move if I were you" a deep voice comes out from beside me startling the living hell out of me while placing his hand gently onto my bare chest. saying that the hand felt unusual was an understatement, it didn't feel like a regular hand, it was wrinkly but tough I couldn't tell if it was a real hand or not.

"Oh dear! Don't tell me!" a feminine voice was now talking, she seemed to be the same age as i was but still I had no idea about what my name was let alone my age. "they erased poor old kai's memory!" what the hell are they talking about?

"Kai?" I tried my hardest to keep composure, I needed to know more, i needed to know what was happening and how I could get out of it.

"Oh dear god!" it was the same deep voiced weird handed dude who talked again. there was a sort of undeniable sarcasm in the way they spoke but I had too much of a headache to look more into it "he did lose his memory"

I try to make out some of the faces or maybe the place I was in, but it was useless, I wanted to get rid of benefit of the doubt, lose the lump in my throat, and unravel the mysteries round me but that was a far fetched wish. I had to deal with, at least for now, at least until I know more about these people. 

"can you at least turn the light off" they might as well shove the light in my eyes while they're at it, it looked like they were close to doing so.  

"Yeah toga turn that off" the voice from beside me puts pressure on my chest while asking 'toga' to turn off the light.

after she does, I keep my eyes shut for a while and slowly open them hoping that my eyesight was still intact after indulging so much brightness. after a few seconds of seeing both nothingness and colorful lumps my eyesight goes back to normal and I start seeing the people surrounding me.

the man beside me looked burned, quite literally. his hands and arms were marked with purple burns his neck and half of his face was covered in burn marks ties up, more like stapled together with rings and such.

the girl looked small, i was right, we looked like we were the same age although i was oblivious about mine I believe we're on the same age spectrum.. she looked like a psychotic cat and i didn't know what to think about it but I was definitely something.

next person i saw was a dude, no, a man child, he was covered up with a body suit so I couldn't make out his features but he was definitely not a teenager. he was rocking his chair back and forth letting out a simple giggle from time to time.

next to him was a kinky looking man with plastic hands put all over him, he even had one on his face which made me question if he was actually comfortable with his little dress up act. he was maybe mid or early 20s and he was the dude with the scratchy voice that made my ears vibrate. he kept on scratching his neck for some reason and i could hear every single on of his breaths. why would you breath so heavily?

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