day 6

595 24 12

Shoto's pov

Well its been almost a week. Its been a fun one too.

I talk to pebbles and bakugo on the phone, i eat breakfast with my favorite little person and then aizawa and i try out new things together before the others come back.

Just yesterday he asked to spar with me, which really took me by surprise but i was happy to try it out for the first time in weeks. He won, obviously but i did give him a hard time doing so.

And shinsou isnt all bad too, after the incident i refused to get out of my room when he came over but two days ago we started talking about cats and cafes and he told me about the time he went to a cat cafe and it turned out to be a kinky strip club of the sort.

We ate ice cream that day. It was fun.

Hizashi is an amazing...not dad. He just yells a lot in the morning and the groggy sleepy morning voice doesnt give him justice.

And eri. Oh that sweet little twat. I hate her for making me wear an elsa costume when i obviously wanted to be anna. Such a joke. She also made aizawa wear a reindeer costume since zashi was kristof.

The best part was shinsou's face when he barged in in panic thinking there was an emergency. Let me put it this way, eri called him telling him there was an emergency he came in full panic mode just to see reindeer aizawa yell at hizashi lovingly. Pretty funny. On my part.

Meals are amazing, everything is great. Way too great. Everything felt like it magically fixed itself. Knockoff shoto wasnt talking to me anymore, shinsou wasnt a bitch, they started letting me use my quirk, and there was nothing serious we had to talk about anymore. Everything was all sorted and nice and easy going and-

"Hey kid" aizawa comes into my room, hands behind his back with a sympathy smile on his face.


"Today its not just you and me zashi is with us too"

"Oh nice, ill come in a sec- what is up whats wrong you look weird."

"Oh nothing big we just have some minor things to do today"

"Well it doesnt look minor to me. Ill be right there"

"Okay" he barely whispers. Something minor my ass. Just when i thought shit was fixed.

Fuck me.


"So, you guys are gonna tell me whats going on or are we just going to exchange suspicious looks till eri comes"

"Okay" aizawa says "we got a call last night, about your house. Not the apartment your childhood house. Its going to be reused or something and they asked to empty it. We wanted to take you there so that you could take important things before its taken out"

"Im going to that japenese shitplace?"

"Yes thats the plan"

"Why would i want to, i dont think anything there would be important enough"

"Look shoto, your siblings have different identities in different countries and we cant find them endeavor was last seen two years ago and your mom is well, passed. Im sure you have photos or any type of memory i dont know you must Have one thing you dont want to lose"

"I guess. Whatever. Fine we can go fuck it"

"Thats the spirit" hizashi says with jazz hands probably to lighten the mood.

"Woohoo were gonna have so much fun going to that craphouse"

"Dont sound so excited you might choke kn your food"

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