see ya

875 32 1

Kais pov
The next day...

I woke up, with a painful headache. Everything sucked right now. I try and get up but my head felt way too heavy.

The doorbell goes off. It was toga. I could recognise that tune anywhere. I put on my beanie and try my hardest to not topple over on my way to open the door.

"Heyya!"  She was so hyperactive for no reason. God she was way too loud.


"Why the longface huh"

"My fuckin head hurts" i groan "lets go sit or i might fall over" i try and laugh it out but everything i did made me feel like my head was going to explode.

"What happened?? You okay you seem pale and i- BLOOD?!"

"toga shut the fuck up im telling you my head hurts"

"What happened? why is there a strong smell of blood? are you okay? And oh my god theres a bloody towel... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?"

"First, shut up. Second i felt dizzy yesterday and hit my head on the corner of the counter. Thats why theres blood. Some friends helped me out though look!" I say as i remove my beanie showing her the bandages surrounding my head.

"Shit kai... lets go to the hideout this needs stitches"

"What? Why would i need stitches its not that deep"

"Oh you blind blind. Its really deep kai no wonder you have a headache" she takes my hand and takes me out of the door. Were going to the hideout i guess.

"Who helped you out anyways?"

"Some people i met at the park a while ago... theyre really clingy for some reason i keep bumping into them."

She didnt answer. She looked a bit... disappointed? But why?

"Whats wrong?"

"What? Nothing dont worry"

"You know that even if i meet people youll still be the fist person in mind of i needed or wanted some company right? And also theyre loud and annoying but you and dabi are a different breed so dont worry bout that shit"

"You mean it"

"Yeah man, i cant imagine life without you guys and if i did it would suck so cheer up asshole no ones taking your spot"

She smiles while she unlocks some doors. Kurogiri teleports us in and angrily looks at me.

"What happened now?"
"Well mother... i slipped and fell"

"He has a hole in his head"



"please kurogiri lo- ah -lower your voice please"

He looks at me worried rather than angry. Taking off my beanie he gasps at the sight of poorly treated wound that marked my head.

"Shit kai" dabi says looking at it from kurogiris shoulder.

"Shut up i know its bad"

"Lets do this then" dabi says as he signals something to toga which makes her leave and come back with a suit case.

"What the fuck is that"

"Oi shut up its the medical case you idiot"

"Wait what what are you-" and i blacked out...

What happened? what did they do to me?

I wake up... i was lying on the ground near a park. There was a kid, the same one that was fighting with his dad. He was playing around with a cat but his face was much duller than it was before.

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