A New Start

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"Welcome to your new home- careful the cat- youre going to love it sh- ka- to-" hizashi says with his arms extended showing off shotos new house. He still struggled with the name and concept and everything in between but he was doing his best.

Aizawa rested his fingers on the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath and then returned his gaze to todoroki and eri.

Eri was standing on todorokis feet and she looked up to the boy waiting for an answer.

"I- just call me shoto or todoroki im fine with the name"

"Alright kid, eri show him his room were going to make dinner and talk about some things alright?"

"Okay daddy!" She says with a grin before dragging shoto around the house  and gave him a tour before showing him to his room.

It wasnt a fancy room or a very decorated and exeggerated room, it was nice and simple. It felt warm and light and he didnt know how much he longed to feel this feeling again.

There were several pictures of shoto in 1a, a class picture and a picture with him bakugo and the rest of the students that were with them during the provisional liscence trainings.

There was also a laptop and a nice desk, a neatly put bed a lamp and a bedside table with the pretty blue flowers he hadnt seen since his moms death.

He remembered how his room used to be back with the league, torn certains mattress on the ground, dust everywhere with a different insect infesting the room every two days or so.

He didnt miss it, he missed his apartment though but it wasnt cleaned out yet. His blood was still on the ground. Burn marks everywhere and messed up furniture.

"So what do you think? We didnt have splashy designs to put out but if theres anything you-"

"No" todoroki quickly cut his teacher off, "i uh i love it thanks"

"Okay thank god, you unpack, eri would be glad to help"

"Okay" he says as he smiles looking at his teacher retreat to the kitchen ready to stop hizashi from burning the kitchen for the fifth time.

"So where do you want to put this" the kid says with a smile holding a picture of him and toga. Right. She didnt know her yet.

"I uh, put it on the desk"

"Okay! Who is this shes pretty" he saw a sparkle in her eye and he wished for it to never disappear.

"She uh shes my friend"

"Your friend is really pretty, i like her bow"

"Yeah, she is pretty"


"Im hoping you still like soba"

"Oh god yes, its been a while since i had it, i think i was with kirishima and kaminari when i ate soba last, a few months ago i think"

"Oh, well im glad cause, hizashi" he says glaring at his husband "made trice the serving size that feeds a family of 24"

"Holy" todoroki says, mouths gaping open.

"Yes, very much so- wheres eri?- eri honey were waiting for you come on"

"Ill be right there daddy"


"So how did you meet bakugo and the others?"

"Well my meeting with bakugo was very- how do i say this? Passively agressive in a way"

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