its him

906 39 6

3rd pov

The two boys were taken aback by the question in hand.

Did they know what they saw him as? Of course they didnt.

Realistically speeking everything that had happened for the past week was ballistic. All of it.

Bakugo was visibly struggling and kirishima looked like he had been in a trainwreck.

Katsuki's head hurt. He was exhausted and his mind couldnt keep up with the current events.

"You shithead give us a break will you" katsuki was first to speak. "We just found out youre icyhot and a former villain we hung out with regarly who used to be a hero in training that died 2 years ago. I dont fucking know what to think so hold your horses dimwit"

"Thats fair" shoto looks to the ground and smiles. He wanted things to go back to normal desperately, he wanted to have fun with katsuki in stores and read mangas with sero to go eat ice cream with kirishima and denki after.

He wanted to lay on the grass during sunsets only to find an angry pomeranian glaring at him.
He wanted to talk about theories with midorya and hangout with ururaka.
He also wanted to be okay. He wanted his friends to be okay but he knew it was too much to ask.

"Why not just tell us how we got here" kirishima gently talks in concideration of the situation kai was put in.

"During the mission, the cloud was a distraction" todoroki starts explaining his story "kurogiri teleported me and i was replaced by a clone from twice." He looks at katsuki "thats who you tried to save during the mission. I was already in the hideout by then"

Kirishima looks at bakugo. He looked hurt and angry like he was on the verge of an outburst.

"When i woke up they played it off like i was one of them, calling me kai and fake crying about the fact that 'heroes' erased dear old kai's memories, in their words. I just went with it. I didnt know who i was and what i was doing. I didnt even know what heroes and villains were until they explained it to me. I thought they were my family and that they always have been. I didnt know they tricked me, i didnt know any better."

Bakugo had his fist closed shut until his knuckles were white. "Tell me" he looked at the injured boy angrily "if youre icyhot. What was the 1st day 2nd week training of our lisence?"

He asked in all seriousness. "We took care of kids, someone called me five weenies and inasa was being super annoying. It made you mad so you actually sat with me but then you realised that cami was flirting with me and you got grumpier. You even said that for the first time you liked me better than the other extras"

They were both shocked at the answer. Todoroki and bakugi refused to tell anyone what happened during the training for the lisence. It was funny to see their classmates beg from time to time.

"We even used to go to eat food after and i would always tell you that you should try the soba but you didnt to spite me. You said you would never try that shit and would eat something new everytime because you knew i would be irritated."

Kai continued telling their liscence exam stories. "The first time we beat of a villain together we made up a move, it was a power move we had been training for a while by then and it was the first time we actually used it. You refused to say that we were friends on tv but would casually come over after some training days."

Not even kirishima knew about this. Katsuki looked at him witb wide eyes and a small barely visible smirk. "Its him" he mumbled.

Kirishima's face changed instantly from a concerned look to a huge smile, even brighter than midorya's.

"Dont you dare get this out asshole"

"Yeah yeah bakubro i know the drill" the redhead looked at his long lost friend. And before kai knew it he was being embraced by the redhead tightly. "I really missed you todo"

"I missed you too kiri but i cant breath so if you could-" kirishima didnt realiza that part of his skin had hardened because of excitement.

"Oh sorry" the redhead apologetically pats the sides of his shoulder and slightly backs away.

"What are you going to do?" Katsuki broke the silence.

"What do you mean"

"Are you coming back to ua or what"

"I guess i am. If they let me of course. Even if i was pethatically manipulated i still was a villain for a while."

"You should probably talk to aizawa sensei and make ammends before anything."

"Did you tell anyone?"

"We couldnt even if we wanted to dont flatter yourself" katsuki grumbles.

"Ill fix this"

"Dont fucking act like you have an option dumbass"

"Oh i didnt know you wanted me around katsuki"

"One more word and ill forget the fact that youre in the hospital as a patient"



"Let me stop you right there hes still injured." He looks at shoto "and you have to do something about this"

"Yeah i know"


"Hawks, gilliard the boy is confirmed to be shoto todoroki. The blood test are positive and the serum is a private one that isnt in public reach so he couldnt have practiced immunity against it. He passed all the tests."

"So its really him huh?"

"Yeah, finding endeavor is going to be necessary. We cant keep sending amateurs to find him" hawks says looking at gilliard.

"If the boy can prove that he has no bad intentions and no contact with villains we should discuss him getting back in UA"

"But sirs is it wise to send a former villain to ua? I know he used to be a student there but i doubt he has the same intentions as he did a few years back"

"Yes it would. If he let him out he might rechange his standards. For now he has good intentions, we were able to prove that. But if he let him down again who knows what he can do."

"We also dont know how strong he is by now, he was able to take down hawks in a few minutes. He is way too dangerous for us to just let loose" gilliard adds to hawks' statement.

"That is true. Oh well, you guys are heroes you know what youre doing."

"Yeah we do."

Gilliard and hawks look at each other and both sigh and look through the window to see the three friends laughing together. "Lets give him a break hawks, he proved to be good"

"Yeah he did but i cant help but worry gilliard"

"I understand. Lets find endeavor for now"


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