'scuse me wher're the drinks

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Bakugos POV

As i leave the dorms i felt like i could finally take a fucking breath. Even though i was out i could still hear the extras crying and ive never been more thankful that i wasnt included in that shitshow.

I dial fuyumi's number and it starts ringing. Not many people know i do shit with her and the ones that do act so damn weird about it, they asked a shit ton of questions about it when it was pretty simple.

The fist year the girl cams over to the dorms cause aizawa wanted her to and we started talking and eventually came to the conclusion that every year she and i were going to have cold soba made by ourselves and eat it.

Icyhot always asked us both to try it but we never actually did so this is some kind of a shitty sorry for a shitty person who isnt supposed to be fucking dead.

"Hey!" She finally responds

"You got everything?"

"Oh no, i was about to text you, i was busy with preschool yesterday i didnt have time to get some stuff."

"So much for trying to be polite, text me the shit ill get them on my way"

"THANK YOU! Youre a life saver"

"Yeah i know, give me a half hour"

"Got it, bye!"

She hangs up. Its weird really, to feel someone smiling without seeing them. But fuck it, i but deku does that everytime he talks but fyumi gave me nostalgia about it. It was a win win and i wasnt going to let go of the one fucking thing that was related to him.

I walk down the park road and wave to the clerk before looking for the things she needed.

I was getting frustrated, why the fuck did she need such specific shit, i couldnt find most of them and i probably needed to go to another store after this. And people ask me why i dont 'act nice' yeah because this is what it gets you to do instead of sleep.

As i was grabbing a sauce i felt a hand tap on my shoulder. "What"

"Do you know where the drinks are?"

I turn around to see him, icyhot. He was looking at me with this dumbass oblivious look which looked way to familiar.

was I dreaming, but it was way too lucid to be one so i dont think so. So who exactly is he. If it was him he would recognize me so thats not an option.

He looked just like the fucker, but he had black hair and didnt have his face scar. Could it be him? No, fuck no, hes dead, fucking get over it.

"Whats your name extra"

"If i knew someone was gonna get interested i wouldve worn something better." The hippie looking icyhot smirks. He had the same face same dimples same voice which was a bit lower than i remember but thats how shit works.

I was internally freaking out but why, he was just a fucking lookalike, ive seen many at the subway so what was so different about this fucker.

The difference was that he wasnt evem trying to look like icyhot.

"Shut the fuck up, the drinks are there you blind asshole."

"Much better thank you" he says turning away "oi holdup youre pretty" he turns around with a drink in his hand "come to the park in your free time if youre ever bored"


"Wow pomeranian calm down no need to bark im just saying" he smirks and starts running towards the door "later"

"OI WERE NOT DONE EXTRA COME OVER HERE" just one day without those extras and this fucker gets in the way. Asshole. At least icyhot didnt know he was being blunt this one does it on fucking purpose.

Shotos POV
Same time as bakugos pov

Two years. Two years ago heroes took my memories away for some fucked up reason and this was me trying to celebrate.

Ive been having fun too. I love the adrenaline while im running away from the desperate cowards who call themselves heroes. The fear in their eyes as i steal something that isnt supposed to be stolen, and the fun part is, i never get caught. Theyre all just a bunch if idiots.

I turn my head to face toga kurogiri and dabi who were sitting down at the bar all doing some shit.

"Im off" i say jumping from the counter "ill be back in a jiff" i take my backpack and leave before kurogiri says no, i wasnt going to waste this day on a mere no and kuro knew it too damm well.

The sky looked pretty. The blue blended perfectly with the different shades of pink and purple emrbacing the sun so beautifullly put so gorgeously caressing the corners of the pinkish clouds i wished id gotten my phone to take a picture. Toga wouldve loved it.

I feel like getting a drink. Its not like i cant, its not like its illegal im 18 for fucks sake and i do whatever i want. Sometimes legal things are fun.

I get in and wave hi to the clerk when i notice something. He changed the places if every single thing, including the sweets including the drinks. Everything.

Shit. I look around to see one more person next to me and he wasnt looking happy happy. I slowly approach him and tap my hand on his shoulder before flinching away when he turns around with a murdurous look on his face. Holy crap, the dude was scary.

"Do you know where the drinks are"

As soon as i talk his look gets a bit...softer? His eyes widen and his mouth falls agape and I could almost hear his breaths.

"Whats your name extra"

"If i knew someone was going to hit on me i wouldve worn something better" i smirk, he didnt look a half bad so i didnt mind him.

"Shut the fuck up, the drinks are there you blind asshole" wow, fiesty.

"Thats much better thank you" i turn around but there was this tingling feeling in my stomach. I wanted to see him again for some reason i couldnt just let him go like that "oi holdup" i turn back around to meet his angry little gremlin face "i go to the park almost everyday, dont be shy to join me in your free time"

He starts screaming and i was just not in the mood to bicker but it seemed fun so i just kept on doing it. It was like his anger was tied to a very sensible string and i was able to pull all of them at once. Not like he had many.

I leave the store with a sly grin on myface, fully satisfied about the small talk i had with the pretty boy.

I make my way down the park road to reach a specific spot i sit in a lot, it was practically my happy place.

I take a 'sip' of the drink in my hand and rest my head on the soft grassy nol while thinking.

Did i use to be like this before the memory loss? Did i have a bug personality change after it? Why did they do it? Why would they erase the memory of a 16 year old who was only known for stealing minor things. I used to be the defense and i never killed anyone so just what could i have done to deserve this? But then again, they killed twice withno remorce Im surprised i wasnt killed.

My eyelids start feeling heavier and heavier by the second, i was drunk at this point. I close my eyes slowly my head throbbing i rest my hand on my forhead hoping the coldness of the bottle would at least help me relax. I slowly doze off.

"hello todoroki would you like to go for some ice cream later"
"Oh hello todoroki did you rest well"

I wake up gasping for breath. I wipe away the sweat on my forehead still breathing rapidly. What the hell was that. Who the hell were they and who's todoroki? My shoulders were tense and my hands were shaking at the feeling i was enduring at the moment. I couldnt even explain it, it was painful yet my mind craved it.

What the fuck was going on...

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