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Bakugo's pov

"bakubro are you listening to me?"

"Fuck, what do you want shitty hair?"

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing its just that idiot"

"What about the idiot?" we were walking over to my dorm. I tilt my head back and let out a loud sigh. Why the hell did he cry?

"I dont know he cried"



"S-sorry but he cried?"

"Yeah. Fuckin hell you shouldve been there i dont know how to deal with this shit"

"Did he tell you why he was crying?"

I unlock my door and fall on my bed while shitty hair was sitting on the couch "there was a villain attack before we met up. He wasnt really his cocky self by then. He fuckin ignored me all the way in the store so i got the shit on my own"

Shark teeth looked at me sadly. He still felt bad about that one incident a few months ago. Fuckin hell.

"Then when i asked him he said he was afraid to lose us"


"SHITTY HAIR DONT YOU THINK I TOLD HIM THAT" he nods with a smile "then he said something about his memories and headaches because of them so i told him to call one of us if he has headaches and shit"

"Youre so nice bakugo that was very manly of you"

"Yeah yeah fuck off"

"Do you think he still wants us to come? I mean he seems to be going through a tough time"

"Are fuckin dumb? He said hes scared to lose us, if we go back now it would just be additional proof to him. And also dont you wanna go?"

"Oh no dont get me wrong i would love to, but kai seemed like the person to avoid until he's ready"

"Were not backing out now"

"Of course we're not!"

I sigh and i stare at the ceiling while shitty hair was reading his book. Its been happening a lot lately. The staring thing. Its like we lock eyes and we cant break free until were interrupted. But what is it about why does it keep happening? Is it just with me or does knockoff levi realise it too?

Ugh i hate this.

Time skip The next day
3rd pov

Everyone was very excited to get to dinner with kai especially mina. She was impatient to meet the boy that no one seemed to shut up about.

She sometimes even wondered why he was so famous within her class. Not that she wanted to be mean or was thinking badly she was just curious to see what was so mesmerising about the mystery boy no one seemed to know a thing about.

Kai was really excited too. Katsuki and eijirou were going to come earlier than the rest to help him out with the food and the things that needed to be done.

He was cleaning up excited to finally meet the famous pinky pie that made his friends happy. They talked about her from time to time, it felt like he knew her to some extent.

He still didnt refer to class 3a as HIS friends he referred to them as katsukis friends. He couldnt believe people would hang out with him willingly since he never actually had friends before that and even if he did he forgot all about them.

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