youre not dying fucktwat

981 38 11

3rd pov


Bakugo internally freezes. His mind stops functioning and his limbs start going on automode.

Kirishima couldnt believe it. It was really shoto. The shoto they thought they lost a few years back. They never got over it and to be honest kirishima thought he would always feel the crushing guilt on every anniversary and every breakthrough.

"You wont get away kai" the two boys look back to see dabi and toga running towards them. They were all bloody and their eyes were filled with hatred

"OH YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED DABI" todoroki looks back at the two boys, who although they didnt stop running, their brains stopped functioning. "FOR FUCKS SAKE CALL SOMEONE"

They hide in a small shack after they escaped from the two villains. Kai collapses on the ground and goes on a coughing fit. Kirishima had called a pro hero to help them and stood far enough to give kai and katsuki the space they deserved.

Shoto rested his head on katsuki's lap while katsuki was angrily looking at the wounds toga had caused.

"Maybe this time ill really die"

"Shut the fuck up you dumbshit head, youre not dying you fucktwat"

"Oh i feel my life slipping away katsuki ahh grandma is that you"

Katsuki slaps kai's forehead and he faintly laughs.

"Oi dont close your eyes asshole"

"Bakubro they said theyre almost here. Hold on okay kai?"

"Fucking hell dont close them dumbfuck. Talk to me, tell me one of your stupid jokes"

"Oh k-katsuki y-you know them all its useless."

"I dont know them" kirishima says quickly "tell me, tell me the jokes todo" saying todo again felt wierd.

"Okay..." barely a whisper breaks out "katsuki im tired... you tell him"

"Are fucking dumb. I need you awake stay awake you dumbass" bakugo didnt show it but he was on his last string. He wanted to yell and cry and mourne and feel things he didnt feel for a while. But he couldnt afford doing that. It wasnt his time.

"Okay... whats" he starts coughing blood again "what red and b-bad for your teeth"

"W-what" kirishima laughs nervously

"A- a br-"

"No shit kai, oi wake up. Wake up you dumbass. Icyhot, fucking half n half. You knockoff canadian flag. Wake the fuck up"

Kai slowly closed his eyes and put his hand on katsukis cheeks. All three were teary eyed. All three of them wanted to sob. But non of them had the luxury to feel things at this moment.

"Hey pretty... boy" with his thumb kai starts wiping away bakugo's tears and smiles "you made my year"

"Fuck... off tell me this when youre not half dead."


"No, youre not going to die got it" bakugo manages to talk through sniffles and quiet sobs.

"Do me a favor and dont tell anyone about me being shoto until im dead. Okay?"

Kirishima had his mouth covered sobbing quietly, shaking and quivering but didnt make a sound.


It was hawks. HAWKS!


Kai and bakugo didnt budge. Slowly, kais hand falls to the ground and there had never been such a loud silence.


Three or four heroes barge into the shack and looked at kai in shock.

"WILL YOU DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS?" Bakugo starts yelling at the medics.

"We got it under control from here. Bakugo and kirishima, im going to need to speak to you both"

After a few pushes and grunts and yells they finally got bakugo out of the shack and start reporting what happened.


Bakugo was drained and so was kirishima. They had made a promise to not tell anyone about kai until it was necessary.

"So thats shoto"

Bakugo couldnt find the strength to answer. He was happy. He didnt kill his friend two years back. He wasnt a murderer he didnt fail.

Then he felt sad. Who was shoto going to stay with? His dad had disapeared and wasnt spotted for over two years and fyumi and natsuo well...


Bakugo's phone dings. To his surprise it was a voice message from fyumi. As he starts listening to it his heart aches.

"Hey bakugo, i hope youre doing well. Natsuo and i have decided to travel far away from here...

Were changing numbers and phones and a lot of other things and we will finally move on from, well a lot of things.

This is a proper goodbye bakugo i wish you the best.

This had happened a few weeks back. Katsuki couldnt contact her again she had already changed numbers and phones.

What was going to happen to kai now? Was he kai or shoto or what?

"Are you his friends?"

"Yes. how is he sir?" Kirishima did all the talking. Bakugo could hardly keep himself together let alone communicate with people.

"He is im critical condition, but he will survive."

"Thats good"

"Does he have any parents or gaurdians?"

"Not that we know of"

"Thats a shame. I will have to talk to hawks about this"

"Okay sir thank you. Could we maybe visit him?"

"Sure!" The doctor bods with a smile "just dont make a lot of noise okay?"

"Okay sir" kirishima smiles back and turns around to bakugo. "Wanna go?"

"Yeah" bakugo was unusually calm. He was tired and sad and confused and drained.

Kirishima holds bakugo up but keeps his hand on his arm. The boy felt like katsuki would fall to the ground if it wasnt for him lifting his body.

"You sure you can do this?"

"Yeah shitty hair, dont underestimate me"

"Im not bakubro dont worry hehe just checking"

"Yeah yeah" bakugo couldnt thank kirishima enough for his patience.

He thought he was unlovable but kirishima showed him in many ways that hes a good person and bakugo apreceated it.

They got into kai's room. He never looked so vulnrable and hurt, but at the same time he looked relaxed and free im some way.

The two sat in his room quietly and slowly drifted to sleep.

They were exhausted. They just found out that he was their dead friend. What hurt them the most was the fact that he was right there infront of them casually talking and laughing.

Bakugo hated every second of it. He wanted kai's explanation. He wanted to know what the fuck was happening.

Until then... bakugo could only hope that his friend would wake up to see the day of light again...

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