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3rd pov

A few days had passed since the dinner. Katsuki didnt see kai after the dinner either. Non of them did.

Kai wanted to talk to them he really did but he was scared. The league started to  catch on to his shenannigans.

Kurogiri didnt want him to make friends that was a given. Toga was the jelous type and he knew if she found out that he had any friends other than her she would surely attack them.

"Hey T"


"Do you know what happened to endeavor?"

"Endeavor as the old number 1 hero endeavor?"

"Yeah i mean him"

Toga shifted in her bed and now she no longer had her stomache on his legs.

"Lmao why"

"Oh its nothing. He's a fucking coward for disapearing like that."

"Oh fuck yeah, cant even handle a bunch of kids"

"Maybe if he put more effort into being a hero instead of his stash he wouldnt have backed down."

"Oh my god that is the ugliest mustash ive ever seen, it was hedious."

"I know right? And dont get me started on his fit he-"

"Brats get up, meeting in 2" dabi barges into the room with a few files in hand.

"Ugh again?" Toga starts to whine.

"Yes. again, now get up and go before i make you."

"Ooh im scared" kai responds with a high pitch smirk.

"Youre fucking lucky kurogiri tolerates you bitch"

"I know im special dabi you dont have to remind me, i get reminded everytime  i look at you anyways." He pauses "dont need to add up ei"

"You brat." Dabi reaches his hand to grab kai's and toga's arm and drags them to the meeting room.

Kai's pov

I break free from dabis grip and walk into the meeting room.

I see a man talking to kurogiri his back turned to us. I couldnt make out a face, it was dark but that didnt look like someone i knew.

"Im hawks" HES WHAT.


"Wow pop the hate breaks you brat. Hes an ally." Dabi wasnt an idiot. He knew what he was doing, but a hero... A FUCKING HERO.

"An ally. A fucking ally. Are you serious thats a hero. One of the people were fighting AGAINST"

"Oh come on gove me a break i gave you guys a lot of info.give me some credit"

"Info? The fuck is he talking about asshole" i couldnt believe my eyes.

"He gave us some information on hero missions which made it easier for us to infiltrate." And now it was dear old father kuro talking. I swear theyre all on fucking drugs.

Dabi holds my neck and starts heating up his hand burning my neck. "One fucking word and ill burn you to bits" who does he think he is?

"Oh save it, im not the same kid you know? Plus, youll just burn your eggplant palm even more so i wouldnt recommend it. Not very smart coming from you dabi" his hand gets tighter around my neck and i feel the temperature rising.

"Dont fuckin try me you brat, ill burn you down to ashes"

"Id love to see" he smirks and lets go of my neck. Hawks was staring at me wierd just like all of bakugos friends were. He looked somewhat concerned.

We have the meeting but he asks tp talk to me privately.

"What" was i being rude? Yes. Was i sorry for being rude? Oh hell no. A fucking hypocrite thats what i call him.

"I didnt know you were here"


"Your father thought you were dead, turns out you took the same path as touya didnt you"

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Oh come on, i know your little scheme. Why did you switch huh? Why did you leave the hero world behind?"

"I should be asking you"

"Im asking the questions now though, todoroki you shouldnt be here. Why are you here?"

"Okay, can you fucking wait a second? I dont know what youre talking about. Im kai elric, always have been. Who do you think youre talking to you coward?"

"Y-youre not"

"The fuck im not, but youre going to be fried chicken soon if thats what youre wondering"

"Whats going on here?" It was dabi. I look back with a smile.

"Our little 'ally' here thought i was someone else and 'tried to bring me back to the good side'" dabi looked at him meliciously.

"So you finally break kiego" dabi looks at him and smirks. I knew it. they had a plan all along didnt they? Hawks looks like someone killed his puppy whenever his name was mentioned. What a joke.

"You knew"

"Well we're not idiots. After you 'failed' such easy tasks, we backround checked you, and to say the least you had a pretty depressing childhood. Dont get me started on endeavor being your idol. What a joke y-"

"What are you going to do about it... touya" i look back at dabi who stood there frozen, wide eyed not really moving"

"OI WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? HEY YOU CHICKEN NUGGET MOVE!" I charge to hawks. He blocks my first punch but couldnt block the other. I smash his head on my knee and burn some of his wings. "DABI FOR FUCKS SAKE DO SOMETHING"

He tries to punch me in the face and i dodge and pull on his leg making him fall to the ground. With my quirk i freeze him to the ground and call someone after nudging dabi a couple times.

"What the fuck did you do" kurogiri sees the body on the ground and smashes me to the wall.

"Oh fucking hold you horses dimwit" katsuki was teaching me something at least "he attacked us, you can see how dabis unstableness was amplified. He was worling against us you idiot"

Kurogiri lets go off meand i drop on the floor. I felt something warm slide down my scalp. I slowly reach out my hand and it was blood. Nononono Not blood. Not fucking blood.

I run to toga who was in her room "toga"


"Check my head, its bleeding"

"What the fuck? Why?"

"Fucking kurogiri smashed me to the wall cause i beat up hawks"


"he tricked us and dabi knew, he was waiting for him to break i guess"

"Oh well. Hawks is an idiot"

"Yep mhmm but please check my head" she smacks my forehead.

"Shut up and let me work"

Small explanation. Twice is dead and endeavor disapeared after shoto's 'death'. Hawks wasnt thw one who killed twice, and hawks was working with them years after his death so just clearing that up.

Okay hi um. Well i got to 1k and more and oh my god you guys dont know how thankful i am. I also ranked number 1 in bakutodo which is such a big thing for me. Likei wouldve never guessed that I, the person who got happy that got 50 reads actually managed to get 1k. Thank you so sososo much i hope you enjoy the story as much as i do.

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