cold soba

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Kirishima's pov

After i met kai i felt like the empty feeling i had got filled up. Maybe it was because he looked like todo. I dont know, it felt nice to see him again i guess, even if it wasnt really him.

"So what do you want to eat?" Denki asks kai, pausing the 'fight' between bakubro and him. Seeing bakubro like that was wholesome. He was happier than usual, even if he didnt show it i felt the difference.

"I think ill have soba" everyone shuts up, shocked at his answer. Soba? Really? "You guys have a lifelong fight with soba?" He laughs but we were still standing there. "Oh my god what happened to your arm?"

I look at my arm. It had hardened. How did i do that? "Oh sorry its nothing hehe"

"So you guys decided what you want?"
"Yeah um ill have the um i" denki looked uncomfortable.
"Is everything okay? Did i say something wrong? Look im sorry if i did i never had friends from outside its new to me i-"
"Shut it extra you did nothing wrong the idiots dont know how to let shit go"

We try to smile but it felt forced. Great! now he felt bad. After we sit on the table he smiles while looking at his soba. Just like todoroki. Maybe it was because ive missed him or because i havent seen him in two years but everything he did reminded me of sho.

"So care to tell me why youre all acting weird." He asks
"Our um friend" denki continues "you look a lot like him."
"He died two years ago"
"What does that have to do with me"
"He liked soba so it was a rare pair with you looking like him and all"
"Oh" he seemed to get gloomier but kept on making jokes and annoying bakubro. Even if he looked like he was enjoying it, he also seemed a bit sad like there was something wrong. Maybe we shouldnt have told him about shoto.

Kai's pov

I knew there was a catch. They wouldnt be my friends if it wasnt for the fact that i looked like their friend. I couldnt help but feel sad.

What if they were just hanging out to keep their fantasies. Just to relive their friend's presence. It sucked.

We keep on talking and laughing but the thoughts wouldnt leave my mind.

"This was good"
"Ahh yeah im so full"
"Yeah me too this tasted amazing"

"Bye kai good night!" Pikachu says with a smile.
"Bakubro how are you gonna go home?"
"I know how to take care of myself dipshits dont worry about it"
"Are you sure you dont wanna sleepover with us tonight?"
"Yeah yeah"

He waves them off and soon we could no longer see them. I dont look at him and stay silent for a while. I didnt feel like talking.
"What the fuck is up with you eh?"
"What? Im fine"
"Youre not cocky anymore so spill it extra"
"I cant believe you care about me, its cute boom boy"
I smirk. "A sleepover huh?"
"Oh shut up they force me into it"
"Mhmm okay bakubro"
He smiles. Which makes me smile. "Lets go i want ice cream"
"I didnt see you as a dessert after dinner type of guy... but yeah i feel like ice cream too lets go"

He starts walking and we talk about the so called sleepovers he has with his friends. It was funny. I loves the fact that this mina girl could get some makeup on him without being bitten.

"Hey katsuki"
"What" he says eating a spoonfull of ice cream.
"Why do you hang out with me?"
He stopped and gave me a death glare.
"Wow okay it was just a question"
"Why do you hang out with me?" He asks me the question now.
"I enjoy your presence i guess"
"There you have it. I tolerate you. Feel special"
"Oh why thank you i feel honored"
"What happened back there with the idiots"
"Nothing why?"
"I have hung out with you i dont kniw three times and in those three times you never stopped being cocky. Was it about the dead guy?"
"Do you hang out with me only because i look like him"
He laughs. He fucking laughs. What was so funny. This was tbe hardest ive ever tried to express shit.
"Whats so funny with this"
"I dont know. No i dont hang out with you cause you look like him"

Bakugos pov

This idiot. "I told you i tolerate your presence, you looking like him has nothing to do with it"

His face lights up the same way it did earlier. "Well if thats the case"

"Cheer up idiot you dont always get the chance to hang out with someone as cool as me"
"Oh well life is full of little blessing aint it"

This idiot was on another level, i couldnt explain it.

"Ive been thinking"
"Thats a first"
"Oh shut up i am very smart"
"Yeah sure okay extra"
"YeAh SuRe OkAy ExTrA" he dares to mock me this asshole "how would you look with makeup on?"

I raise my eyebrows "what the fuck why would you think of that?"
"I dont know if its funny or not"
"How would you look with makeup on"

"Lets do it"
"COME ON ITLL BE FUNNY i know how to do makeup and you probably do too"
"What do i get from it"
"Whatever you want your majesty"
"Modern problems require modern solutions my leige"
"Whered the british accent come from"
"Im a natural in everything mate"

He holds me by my hand and yanks me out of my seet

"What the fuck hold up"
"Stores wont be open for long lets go get some makeup before they close up" why was he so excited, the fuck? Has he never had shit like this happen?

This asshole's making me do all sorts of shit and i never understand why i say yes every time.

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