shitty deku

894 37 41

Midorya's pov
Dorm rooms
The next day

The alarm clock rings startling me and making me fall off my bed.

Another day i guess...

I get up and wear sweatpants and a t-shirt and go on my daily run.

"Kaccan goodmorning!" Kaccan was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone.

"What do you want deku?"

"Oh nothing im going for a run wanna join??"

"Hell nah who do you think i am?"

"Oh okay then see you in class!"

"Hope you trip on a rock"

"Bye kaccan!" I say laighing

"Bye deku" he smiles. It makes me happy to see how much weve progressed since the first year of ua.

3rd year wasnt what i expected anyways. Theres apparently a new villain working for lov and hes really powerful, but weve grown a lot in power too so its nothing we cant handle...

I wonder what todoroki would be like now...

He was already being friendly with a lot of people before the incident so i keep wondering how he would act if he was still here.

Stupid deku. Cant even dodge a bullet how are you gonna be a hero?

I keep on running and mumbling when i hit someone and fall back.

"Oh sorry i-"

"Hey man my bad" was that? No it cant be. He he is- he looks just like- THATS TODOROKI!

"Did i hit you that hard im sorry man i-"

"Whats your quirk?"




"you- you look..." i feel my vision getting blurry.

He mumbles something and crouches down. "Do i look like a dead friend of yours?"

"H-how did yo-"

"A friend of eijirou and katsuki i presume?"

"You- how- i-"

"Nice to meet you im kai elric"
He extends his hand and smiles. He looks just like him. I start sobbing. I couldnt stop. All these feelings and emotions i ignored for so long, all the guilt everything it rushed up to me. I cant cry infront of kaccans friend but i could stop.

"Hey.. hey man whats wrong? you okay?"

"M's-sorry... i-i k-know i s-shouldn-nt be c-crying b-bu-" he cuts me off and pats me head.

"Sometimes people can cry too you know?" And at that i lost it heroes can cry sometimes too you know?

"Oh shit, im sorry i dont i-" this time i cut him off.

"Izuku midorya"

He smiles again and it makes me smile.

"Well izuku i have to go now"he says getting up "oh wait" he starts searching for something in his backpack "there ya go"he hands me a lolipop... "ill get another one later you look like you need it more"

"Thank you... a lot" he smiles and waves as i wipe away my tears. Kai elric thats a nice name.

Kai's pov
The same time as deku

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