An Elsa Doll

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3rd pov

(the same time as the shota and hizashi conversation.)

Eri runs towards the door aizawa ha le her too, and quickly, with  big smile on her face, she opens the door revealing the pro hero hawks and a boy next to him. "HEYYA!"

Todoroki looks at her in shock, his memory of her still blurry but he was sure as hell last time he saw her she was a lot more petit and didn't have a deku style smile on her face. she turns away from hawks and stares at todoroki, not entirely sure of who he was or what he was doing in the hospital.

"hey Eri, how ya doin kid" hawks gets up and crouches down to her level before talking. 

"im good! daddy asked me to come here while he was talking to other daddy"

"your other daddy is here too?"

"yep!" she gestures him to come closer and when he does she whispers glaring at todoroki "who is he?"

"oh that's todoroki, he got a bit hurt that's why he's here, wanna say hi?"

"wait" she laces her hand on her chin questioningly "isnt todoroki deku's friend?"

"mhm" hawks nods with a smile across his cheeks


todoroki doesnt respond, he was still in shock, firstly because if she was here other daddy must be present mic, second she was so big now and so happy, and lastly, it had been a long time since someone called him deku's friend or since he had hear the name deku. he felt like crying. he wanted to turn into nothingness and blend in with his surroundings.

he knew that he would have to face his friends at some point and that thought was terrifying to him. he would have to face his dad, his teachers, his siblings. everyone who he once loved and respected. everyone who he had betrayed. he was terrified at the thought of the look on his friends face when they found out about him being kai elric. 

"kid?" his train of self depreciating train of thought was quickly shot down as hawks' voice relaxed him a bit. "you okay?" 

he wasnt shocked that he was asked that. he was staring at Eri with a horrified look on his face, like the poor girl had done something to him. he quickly shook his head and slapped it gently a couple times before springing up from his head fully changing his terrified look into a happy warm one instead. 

"sorry, you're just so big now! wow"  he crouches down next to hawks with a bright smile on his face and joyful wide eyes on his face. "how old are you now?"

"oh I am" Eri lets go of the teddy bear in her hand laying it down on the ground and started tucking in her fingers down to her palm indicating 8 fingers up and looks at him with a grin "i am eight years old"  her two front teeth were missing which in kai's opinion it made her look a lot cuter . 

"wow! you're so big now! last time I saw you you were this many years old" he showed 6 fingers just like she had a moment ago. "you were 6!"

"wow! and how old are you?"

"im 18" he smiles "I dont have enough fingers to show it but" he picks up her plush and extends his hand to hand it to her "you get the picture"

Eri violently nods her head and turns to face hawks who was shocked but still very overwhelmed by how wholesome their little conversation sounded. "he's nice" she whispers.

"i know" he whispers back and smiles. 


"how mean!" 

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