so you see it too?

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Midoryas POV
Same time as the bakugo and shoto thing

Iida and I left the dorms soon after in hopes of visiting shotos grave. We marched there, silently. Not even our breaths could be heard and the only audible factor was the sound of our step once our shoes collided with the ground.

Iida was quiet. He looked tired, and sad and like he was done with all the things happening around us. I dont blame him, i was too. And going on with life gets harder by the day knowing that i alone could have avoided all this.

We silently approach all the other graves, dusty with mud scattered over some of the graves, so much so that the names were almost undetectable.

And there it was, the terrifying ttuth of the real world. Death. It was the proof that nothings forever, no one will last and that no one is truly safe from anything.

"Here it is" i sigh as i remove the old flowers and replacing them with new ones fresh from shotos favorite flower shop.

"Yeah" he says loud enough for only me to hear.

We settle down, infront of the grave, both looking at the grass not daring to look up at the name encrypted on it. We couldnt.

"Do you remember how he was in the beginning?" Iida breaks the silence. I look over to him and a feeling of relief ecompasses my bofy as i see a smile tug at his cheeks. "Im nOt hErE tO mAkE fRiEnDs" he says with a slight giggle with a tear making its way across his cheek "look at him now making everyone sad on such a pretty day"

And at first it was an innocent giggle. Both of us remembering how distant and cold he used to be, soon the giggle turned into a disturbing laughter. A laughter filled with resentment and madness. I wasnt even aware of what was happening, but after a while i found my laughter turning into sobs and choked cries.

"Am i ThE hAnD cRuSheR oR sOmEtHiNg?" We continue, our cries louder this time. Was i laughing or crying. I was crying. My uncontrollably fast running tears were proof of it. I was so tired. I still am.

And im sure of one thing...

I missed him. A Lot...

Time skip to the next day
Bakugos pov

Shit. Why cant i stop thinking if a fucking look alike. Its not like it was him. Its not like he had his stoic fucking face on calling me bakugo or teasing me to some extent. It was a stranger.

Sure they looked alike.

Sure they had the same voice.

But todoroki's dead.

I killed him.

Hes dead.

"I always go to the park during sunsents"


Just maybe....

Going wouldnt hurt.

Investigation wouldnt be so bad would it?

I leave my dorm quietly, well as quiet as i could. I made sure no one followed me, i was being stealthy and just like a pro i was able to glide through the halls without anyone interrupting m-

Shittu hair

"What do you want shitty hair"

"I felt lonely" he says "i thought that we could go out for ice cream"

"Im going to the park"

"Can i join"

"Ugh sure" he looks at me with a bright smile. That asshole always gets to me and i fucking hate it.

I drag his ass to the park eith me but it wasnt going to stop me from looking for that fucker.

He was still stuck in my head.

I scan out the park lookong for any shitman on the grass, and thats when i see him lying on the ground, with yellow sunglasses on and an ugly windbreaker on. He looked like he was sleeping.

I probably shouldve realized sooner but i only realized my eyes were wide open in anticipation whene shitty hair nudged my shoulder.

"Whos that" he says with a grim smile on his face

"No one shitty hair lets go" im not ready, not seeing that fucker today.

"Oi bakubro holdup lets go and talk to him"

"What? no, shut up" but he didnt listen to me. He ran towards the guy with some audacity. After i told him no. shitty hair is gonna be the end of me.

I tried holding his elbow, then his wrist, then his ankle. No fucking hope. Shit.

"OI COME BACK HERE SHITTY HAIR I SAID FORGET IT" i turn around to face shitty hair when- shit i lost him. Where the fuck did he run off to. Fucking asshole.

I try and find shitty hair who just fucking ran off to the wrong direction when i see it Oh no. Oh no nono fuck no. They were talking with each other, shitty hair looking amused and that extra with his shitty smile on his face again.

Shitty hair is the end of me.


"Bakubro?" He giggles and i had never seen such dimples except for.. ICYHOT OH MY GOD I WAS RIGHT. IT IS HALF N HALF.


"Oi pretty boy calm down i think its cute" kiri looks at me with a cheeky smile on his face AND IT FUCKING SUCKS CAUSE NOW I WAS STUCK FROM BITH FUCKING SIDES. "also pebbles and i were talking about-"


"But bakubro hes funny as hell- wh- whats your name"

As soon as shitty hair asks him that his phone rings. "Oh shit" he says looking at the unknown number "well it was nice meeting you pebbles"he pauses and smirks at me "pomeranian" he says AND FUCKING BOWS.

He looks at me and does the hand call sign and mouths call me "OI YOURE DEAD MEAT COME BACK HERE YOU EXTRA." he doesnt seem fased he just smirks and does this annoying hand gesture and runs off.

" he doesnt seem fased he just smirks and does this annoying hand gesture and runs off

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(He does this ion know how to exain it)

Shitty hair looks at me but now he wasnt smiling he was almost looking like he was sick

"You saw it too didnt you"

"Saw what"

"The resemblance"

"No shit sherlock thats why i was staring"

"But it cant be him he he died"

"I know shitty hair thats what im trying to find out"

"So you like him?"

"OI IF YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP I SWEAR ILL-" he cuts me off giggling

"Sorry man hehe read the room wrong i guess."

"Hell yea you did. I want ice cream lets fucking go you lil shit"

He smiles at me. Shitty hair fuck you, hes so wholesome its almost contagious. But ill die before admitting it.

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