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Bakugo's pov
(the same time as kai when he was preparing the house)


Shitty hair...

He was excited to go the idiots house, maybe a bit too excited. Deku was too, both of them couldnt stop talking about the stories they were gonna tell him and what they were gonna do and yadi yadi.

Fuckin pricks treating him like he's some kind of royalty.

It was almost 12. Shitty hair was sitting on the couch holding a huge bag in his hand waiting for me like an idiot kid.

"Youre gonna stay here or what?"

"Oh youre ready! Come on lets go!"

He had a huge smile on his face and was widdling all the way there "the fuck are you excited about?"

"I dont know it feels like its gonna be a good day"

"Yeah yeah your cheeks are going to cramp up"

"Youre right but i cant not smile! And by the way did you two talk again after you know what"

"Nah we're ignoring the whole thing."

"Oh well, if he ever needs us im sure he knows he can tell us about it!"

I hum in response. He starts skipping to the front door and knocks on the door several times.

He looks at me and turns around again ringing the bell. Why wasnt that idiot answering?

"Leave it" i stop him from knocking again and start lifting the pots looking for the spare key.

"Oh wow i didnt know that was there"

"That idiot leaves his key under a fucking pot, Im surprised no one broke in yet"

He starts laughing as i unlock his door. "Kai?....KAI?" He was on the ground probably unconcious. Shitty hair runs to him and i closed the door and went to him.

"Hey! Hey kai wake up! Kai?"




He squints and then quickly jolts up gasping for air. What the hell happened here?

"Sorry" he looks down avoiding me and shitty hair.

"I told you to fucking call when you have a headache"

"Yeah i know im sorry i messed up ill just -ahh" he falls and stumbles down and i catch him by the elbows. He looks at me, he was paler than usual and it seemed like he was sweating a bit. Thats when i realised it happened again...


Kirishima's pov

Kai stumbles back but bakubro holds him from the elbows and lifts him back up. I thought he was gonna yell or do something but to my surprise he didnt.

I was more surprised about what happened instead. They were staring at each other, and not in that angry way, both of them looked calm and at peace.

Then i realised bakugo was doing so too and that it wasnt one sided. Did bakubro really like him like that?


"Shit" he says and lifts kai up "you get out the stuff ill take him inside"

He starts taking kai to his room and i stay there, frozen trying to process what had happened. They like each other... they do and theyre both too dense to actually realize.

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