The start

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Just wanted to say, I'm not going by the books, I've not read them in years. So i don't actually remember half the stuff, but it'll be mostly by the films. And I'm going to add some things for the purpose of the story. Enjoy


He held me in his arms, holding me close. Both of us afraid of what was coming.
"Don't forget me, I promise we will be together again." The boy said
"I won't forget, I'm not the one having my memory removed." I replied
"I know Y/N, I'm not scared. I am scared of what will happen to you though, they can't hurt me when I'm up there." The boy says
"I'll be fine. I'll find a way to get you out. We both will." I tell him with a sad voice
"Dont do anything drastic. Tommy and your brother promised they'd keep you safe." The boy said again.
I don't respond I just tightened my grip on him. I leaned back and kissed him.
"I love you" I said
"I love you too" he replied placing his forehead on mine

Then the door burst open. Five armored men came in, grabbing us apart.
One held the door open while two pulled the boy with them, he was struggling against their grip.
"No, don't hurt her!" He shouted at the guards holding me
I was held as I watched the guards drag him away from me down a hallway.

"PLEASE NO! DONT DO THIS! PLEASE!" I screamed crying. I tried to run forward but I was held back.

"Y/N! Y/N! REMEMBER I LOVE YOU!" I heard his last screams before he was knocked unconscious and pulled into a lab.

I fell to the ground crying.

I lay there crying for what felt like hours, then I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me. I looked up and managed to make out the blurry form of my brother and best friend.
"Come on, let's get you to bed." My brother said
"He will be okay." My friend said
"I miss him." I cried
"We know, it'll be alright. You'll see him again." My brother said kissing my head.
"We'll get him to remember you" my friend said

Everything was fine for the next few weeks. Tommy would sneak me into the control room every night, and I'd be able to watch the videos of Newt up in the maze.
He'd become friends with Alby and Minho, the two other boys in the Glade. One boy died in the maze

I had tried and failed to use my powers. Wicked didnt know about them, if they did I'd probably be tested on. The three people that knew were my brother, Tommy and well newt doesn't remember anymore.

We used to be able to communicate telepathically. We didn't do it often, but we figured out we could do it when we first meet, all the way back when we were 5 years old playing in the labs.

One night we watched the screens, Newt was awake. And he was stargazing holding the little silver chain he wore. The chain I had given him for his birthday two months ago. He always wore it, and we had hidden a note in it, hoping that WCKD wouldn't notice, hoping he'd find it when he was in the maze and remember me, us.

I tried pathetically to talk to him.
"Please Newt. Please hear me." I mumbled touching the screen

Newt, please remember me. It's Y/N. Please remember me. I said, but it felt like his end of the link was blocked by a brick wall. But today was different it felt like there was a small gap. So I mentally squeezed my message and pushed in through the hole.

I watched the screen hoping for a reaction.
"I can't remember anything, it's driving me crazy. I'm missing something. I'm missing the voice I hear." Newts voice said over the speaker, it was hushed by I heard it. I'll always hear his voice. When I heard him say 'the voice I hear' my heart began to beat even harder

"WHAT ARE YOU BOTH DOING IN HERE!" A voice shouted behind me.
I snapped around quickly and saw a doctor standing there
I tried to run away but I was grabbed by the hair.
I was roughly thrown back into my room, more like cell. And I waited for three hours. I was starving and angry.

The door opened to a doctor and two guards. I backed up to the wall quickly. I knew I'd be taken, so I grabbed my locket I had hidden by the crack in the wall.
While newt had his letter I had my own too.

I was grabbed by the arms and pulled up
"Ava wants you put in the trials now, says you're too much of a problem with your memories" the doctor said as I was dragged away. I tugged at my limbs but the guards were too strong for me.
I was strapped to the table, and injected with a green vial.
Everything was going fuzzy, but I saw a body on another table beside me.
My brother
We reached for each other. But everything went black.

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