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Your POV
"Newt have you got them?" I shouted down the hall
"Yup" I faintly heard.
Chuckling I made my way to my oldest daughters bedroom.

"What's going on here what?" I asked leaning on the doorframe.
Watching happily, as my son and daughter both piled Newt in pillows and blankets. With my youngest son sat beside Lilo, as he brushed her fluffy tail.

"Oh you have them, do you Newt?" I asked smiling at the blonde under the pile of fabric
"I'm sorry, you're right, they shouldn't get sugar in the morning. Just help!" He cried out.
I chuckled and stood straight
"Right, let's go, let's go. If this room isn't back to normal in the next two minutes, we aren't going to go visit uncle Gally and uncle Tommy" I said sternly

My two older children froze, looking at me, the each other, and the two of them began putting the blankets and pillows back on their beds.

"See" I said as Newt stood up wiping the imaginary dust off himself.
"Yeah yeah" he replied picking up Chuck, and putting him on his hip.
"Done mamma" my daughter Lily said happily
"Me too" my son Alby said
"Good job. Now let's go grab your shoes and we can go" I told them, the two of the running to the door, and grabbing their shoes.

"I will never understand how you do it" newt said kissing my cheek
"Hmm, motherly instinct?" I teased
"Hilarious." He said pushing me to the door too

We all walked outside, and we made the ten minute walk to the village.
I smiled as we passed people we knew.
"Hey Blondie" I asked the man beside me
"Yes?" He replied smiling as our two oldest children and dog ran around the small pebbled path, while our youngest babbled alongside us on my hip
"Ever think about how life's changed?" I asked
"Sometimes. But I try not think about it, and that's the way it should be. I have you by my side, we have theee beautiful healthy kids, our pup, our friends,  a happy home, were free from WICKED forever, and we have a cure, and most importantly we have each other" he  said
I just smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek

We continued to walk, and soon arrived at the village.

Newt and I were one of the very first couples to have kids, so Lily was four years old. While a lot of the other older kids were around two or three.
Matching the age of our second child, Alby. A little head wrecker. But he was level headed. He liked to boss people around, just like the old Alby.
And our youngest, Chuck, was a year old. But just like his name-sake, he was a bubbly baby, always laughing and had an obsession with Lilo.

"Kids!" Newt calls out we got closer to the village.
The two monkeys ran back to us. Giving us their little hands

We walked in the little garden fence, and I knocked on the door.
The door opened revealing Thomas "just on time" he smiled at us, letting us in
"Uncwe Tommy!" The two children cried happily hugging his legs.
"Hiya" Thomas smiled picking them up.

"Come on, everyone is out back" he said leading us into the larger back garden.

"We the last?" I asked
"Nah, Fry and Liz just arrived too" he said smiling

The three adults, three kids and one dog joined the group of people in the garden.
"You actually made it!" Minho joked
"Ha ha, think we'd be late?" Newt replied
"Didnt doubt it" Minho said back

I smiled and took the free seat beside my twin
"Hi Gals" I smiled at him
"Hey" he replied sipping at his drink.

In the last five years a lot has changed.

Thomas and Brenda finally got together, and they had two kids, one aged three same as our Alby, a daughter Teresa.
And a son who just turned one, George.

They made an adorable couple. And they loved each other.

Minho found a nice girl. But sadly she hasn't been immune and died two years ago. So he was still upset. But he had a girlfriend Fran. She was a nice girl, always bubbly and so sweet

Fry had gotten married to a girl named Liz. She loved to cook, and she was big into art. So she had her own little art shop, and gave classes to the kids

Jorge was happy by himself, and so was Vince. They acted as grandads to our kids mostly.

Aris and Sonya had finally gotten together and like Newt and I had three kids. Two daughters and a son.
Rachel, Milly and Nate. All aged four, two and a half, and a newborn.

Harriet had went to travel a while ago. And she was a happy lone wolf.

Gally, he had found himself an incredible girl. She was a builder in her maze too. And she'd been stung, and made to kill one girl. So they had that in common.
But other than that, Jules was so nice. She decided on being an architect, helping my twin build everything.
She was so polite, insanely funny, and she loved kids.
They had one kid, a little boy named William. After her brother who died in the scorch.

Life for me was different too.

I was married to Newt. And I loved him with my entire being, that was never going to change.
Our three children were so clever, and smart. We discovered that Lily and Alby had my powers.
Not to the same extent. But they were still young so they wouldn't be as powerful as me.

Little Chuck hasn't shown anything yet, but he is only still a baby.

But I'd love him regardless

Newt had grown up, he'd become more muscular, and without his limp he was more fit, being able to run, and work out with Minho.
It was cute, he, Minho and Thomas were still inseparable.
Which is why we all lived in walking distance from each other.

I'd become a doctor. I helped everyone, my powers making me the most famous doctor in my little ward.

My powers stayed the same, just as powerful, and mind blowing.

But they made me me. And I couldn't change that.

We found the components to make a cure for the Flare in the past two years. We had been giving people a shot of Thomas blood if they had it, but most were immune. We couldn't give my blood since we found out that after I gave it to Newt, he had gotten the tiniest ability of my powers.
But now we could make the cure artificially, and we'd begun to send the cure off, and saving anyone on the main land. And helping to turn people back from crank to human.
We were slowly healing the world. Little by little

We'd even found out how to test for immunity, and all our children were fully immune. We gave them a small injection when they were young, and we could tell if they were immune. WICKED had one thing right. Kids were the answer

"Mumma. Uncwe Tommy said you'd tell us a story about your adventures" Lily ran up to me saying
"Auntie dutch is you tell us you magic?" My niece Teresa asked me
"Of course sweetheart" I smiled hugging her gently.

"You're parents were all very brave once upon a time. Long ago, an evil group took them from their mummy's and daddies. And took them far away. And all the kids were tested and made to do challenges. The hardest test was known as the maze trials....... that was were we all met" I started my story

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