The train

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Your POV
I was walking with Minho. They were taking us somewhere again. This would be our fifth move.
'There's no way that they'll find us if we keep moving' I thought sadly

Minho and I had a hand joined together as we walked in line to the train.
"Don't let go" I whispered as we saw guards pulling kids into the train compartments
"Nope." He replied

The two of us unconsciously tightened our grips on the other and stood closer.
We we're about to step up to the train when I was grabbed by a guard
"This way little miss. That compartment is full" he said grabbing me away
I started to shake and fight, I had to stay with Minho
"MINHO! NO! TAKE ME BACK! PLEASE TAKE ME BACK! MINHO!" I screamed fighting the guard
"Y/N! PLEASE DONT TAKE HER!" Minho screamed fighting to get to me.

I saw him being punched in the gut doubling over. So with the very little energy I had I subtly sent my mist to him, helping him heal.

I was thrown into the compartment and chained to the roof.
I was then sitting down, while other kids were thrown in.
I saw Sonya and Aris.
And I smiled at them.

They'd been split away from Minho and I for two weeks now. So this was the first time I'd seen them.
'Two weeks. Will I be away from Minho for two weeks as well?' I panicked

Soon enough the train was moving. We all sat quietly in our little box, all of us scared, tired and hungry.
As far as I could tell, I was the oldest person here, other than Sonya and Aris. The other kids I've never seen before. Some looked so young it was heart breaking.

I'd been trying to contact Newt, or Thomas. We figured out we could speak telepathically as well in the Scorch, but it was easier to talk to Newt.
But I've gotten no response. Nothing.
The last time I properly heard his voice was a month ago, when I swear I heard him. It was like he was right beside me. The guards we're running around crazy.
And I had hope, but it disappeared shortly after.

'Newt. Where are you. I can't keep doing this.' I said softly as a single tear fell down my cheek.
'I give up' I whispered in my head as I said the exact same thing aloud
Finally giving in. After months of torture

I was sitting in the very back corner, where nobody could see me. And I preferred that.

'Just hold on love. We've nearly got you' I heard that beautifully smooth accent once again.
But I didn't react. I knew it wasn't him, he's probably moved on. Besides I'm in a train, how could he possibly be near.

I just sat there. Defeated. Unresponsive. Zombie like.

The silence was interrupted by the revving of a car engine.
I watched as the kids in front of me swayed with the trains movement. Then we all jerked forward.
I grabbed my chain to stop myself hitting the bar in front of me. 

I looked around confused, everyone seemed just as confused as me.
'What the shuck?' I thought

I heard noises outside.

And people screaming
I heard a loud bang on our crate wall
"MINHO! Y/N! MINHO! Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I heard a voice

'THOMAS!' I thought happily

So I started screaming

"THOMAS!! THOMASS! IM HERE IM HERE!" I shouted as loud as I could.

But he moved on
And I felt myself deflate
No no no no no he can't leave me. He can't.

I knew one person would always find me, so I took a deep breath and screamed as loud as I possibly could

"NNNNEEWWWWWTTTTTTTT!" I screamed my throat burning from the volume
I heard the banging on the wall again
"Y/N! YOU THERE!" The familiar voice of my cousin shouted

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