Traditions made

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Your POV
I woke up bright and early, and I rubbed the sleepiness out my eyes.
I looked to the boy laying asleep beside me and I couldn't help the smile growing on my lips.

"How can someone be so amazing?" I whispered to myself

I gently brushed a lock of the boys blonde hair from his face. His calm, peaceful expression giving me a soft fuzzy feeling.
I lightly traced his lips, cheekbone, jawline, brow and nose.

"Are you going to keep staring and touching my face?" The blonde suddenly asked. His voice thick and husky. Causing butterflies to explode in my stomach.
"S-sorry Newtie" I apologised removing my hand from his face.
"Don't stop it was nice." the boy muttered

I giggled and lay down again beside him, draping an arm over his muscular chest.
"We need to run today." I told him tiredly
"I know. I hope more runners come up in that shucking box, that way we get more days off" Newt whined making me laugh.
"Yes cause that's what we need. More boys trapped here." I teased him.
"Nevermind." He muttered hugging me close to him.

"Is lilo awake?" I asked him.
He turned his head and nodded. "Looks like she's just up love. Something we should be doing" he said and slowly sat up straight.

He pulled me into a sitting position too.
We sat happily watching our golden pup stand and stretch her long fluffy limbs.
"She's so pretty." I said into Newts shoulder.
"Just like you my love." He said into my hair.
I could feel the blush climbing my cheeks.

When the golden dog jumped up on the bed we finally got out of bed.
Newt dashed over to his room to quickly get dressed. While I grabbed my shorts, shirt and green hoodie.
I laced up my boots, and quickly threw my hair up into a ponytail.

Just as I stepped into the hall, Gally came out his room. I knocked on Newts door before shouting in to him, "Newtie, Lilo wants her dad."
The dog in question patiently sat at Newts door, waiting for him.

"Oh hey little sister!" He said cheerfully to me
I skipped over to my taller brother. "Morning Gal" I said grabbing his hand

The two of us then walked out the homestead to the kitchen.
"You feel better after the fall?" I asked
"Much yeah, besides I only fell out a small tree. Not like I was up high" he defended himself
"You're shucking lucky it wasn't a high tree. Look at your arm it's got a massive bruise" I said poking the growing green mark.
"OWW, would you shuck off. It hurts if you do that!" He whined swatting my hand away.

I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I don't see why you don't let me heal it. I've gotten better with my powers. The water heals things easily" I tried to persuade him.
"No, and that's final. Last time you healed a bruise without proper practice you knocked yourself out Y/N. So the answer is no" he bossed me.
I just huffed and we walked in the kitchen platform.

I let go of my brothers hand to take mine and Newts plates.
"Thanks Fry" I said to the cook
"No problem girlie." He replied smiling

I placed our plates on the table as I quickly put Lilos food in her bowl and some water too.

I grabbed the human food plates and walked to the table. I placed my boyfriends food beside me, and covered it in the shade from the rising sun.
I started to eat listening to Minho and Gally bicker about who does a better builders job
I quickly swallowed and chimed in
"No offence Min, but the buildings you boys built before me and Gally came up were dreadful" I told the runner.
"How dare you. My buildings were fantastic" he complained
"Just stick to running shank" Gally said shoving bacon in his mouth.

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